I am having a huge internal debate, I really want to get another dog, and I think Franklin would love it, but how do you know for sure when its time? Franklin grew up with a chihuahua and back in June I moved out so he has been a single pup. Lately he has been bringing his toys to the cats and poking them trying to get them to play. He loves other dogs and is absolutely in heaven when my parents come to visit with their lab or when I go to their house. My only concern is what might this do to the relationship Franklin and I have? I don't want him to feel jealous if I get a new dog and I'm not sure how to tell if HE really wants another dog around. How did other dog owners make the big decision to add another dog?

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My dogs have always adjusted well to new dogs! Just make sure that they both get time alone with you and that you keep doing those fun things that he loves! They will have so much fun and so will you!

Sparty was so high energy I thought it would help to have another for him to play with. He was about 1 1/2 and it went great! I did go out of my way to find a more laid back puppy because I did not think I could deal with two of them. It really did not change my relationship with Sparty, he stills loves me. The second dog will frequently bond more with the other dog than you though. Just make sure you can handle double the vet bills!

I can't imagine either of my my two as only children, but I'm sure they'd have adjusted being the only dog as long as I provided lots of socialization with other dogs.  We knew very early on (with Jon) that he adored being with other dogs (he spent his first day home playing with my dad's grown sheltie).  He was also very social in puppy kindergarten - loved playing with the other pups more than anything in the world.  Even though Dewi and Jon are close in age, we had Jon for three months alone before Dewi came home, allowing him to bond with us.  It was an adjustment for all bringing Dewi home, but we just made sure to give both boys lots of attention and alone time (away from the other).  If they are bonded to each other more than to us, it's not evident.  It also helps a lot that Dewi is happy allowing Jon to be the alpha; he has never shown one bit of resentment being the follower.  If Franklin loves other dogs' company, it might be worth it.

Oh, and Jon spent his first three months trying to FRAP with our youngest cat (who was happy to oblige until Jon outgrew her and started pinning her to the floor by the scruff of her neck).  She was especially happy to let Dewi take over as Jon's sparring partner.

After having two dogs I can't imagine going back to only one. And actually my relationship with my older dog is better/stronger now than it was before I got the second dog. I had the same worries you did, but it worked out fine. I say if your dog is friendly with other dogs and enjoys their company, and YOU really want a second dog, go for it.


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