I know all Corgis have a myriad of verbal, aduitory  and visual cues that trigger all kinds of amusing reactions. One of  best triggers  Gunny has is when I sit at the kitchen table paying bills . He sits by my feet watching intently.He listens carefully for when I tear a check from the check book. He will then run to the back door in anticipation of me  exiting to go to my car for a trip to the bank or to the postoffice. He seems to know that he will be taking a trip in the car to a place where he often gets a snack bone( to two or three) ! They even give me bones to bring home to him when I go to the bank without him.

When he hears aluminum foil or plastic wrap being torn he runs to his food dish. Why you ask?Because I have, in the past, picked up his food dish if he has left the food uneaten for very long ( wet food gets yucky if left out) and I covered it with one of those wraps before putting it in the frig. If I tear the wrap material and his food dish happens to be empty he will whine and run around the kitchen. Bonkers!

What are some of your Corgi's amusing triggers?

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Edison growls his displeasure whenever we use the words "cat" or "kitty". We didn't deliberately train him to do this. It's just what happens when you have a clever dog and a habit of saying, "Hey, kitty!" or "Look at the cat!" whenever you see one on a walk. Sometimes, he even starts looking around the house for the aforementioned C-A-T.
Come to think of it, Sidney does that too, whenever we say out cats' names, of even just "kitty"
we have a cat and if I ask "where's the kitty?" he looks over his shoulder in the direction of her favorite perch. He also knows to "leave the kitty alone" and once in a while "no making the Kitty squeak!" That's when he is on a tear and runs her down. Not to worry though...she's BIG kitty.
Penny knows when I'm almost ready for work when the blowdryer starts so she runs downstairs and gets in her crate and waits for me to come down, lock her in and give her a treat.
The pantry door (cookies) and the ice dispenser on the frig :-)
Mine know if I turn the tv off late at night, it's time for bed so they run to their crates and wait for their treat.

Jack can tell by what I'm wearing when I come down in the morning if it's a work day or a stay-at-home day. And when we get a water bottle ready, he knows there's a road trip or an extra-long off-leash walk and he starts running around the house whining in excitement.
Saying the phrase "wish for fish" makes Ein look around and smile like crazy. We always use it while taking pictures instead of cheese, and she always looks right at us. I have no idea what it sounds like or why she gets excited about it, but it never fails to amuse people who see her reaction.
every night at 8: 30, they get a little rawhide chew and the word is BONES? The 3 of them line up and sit waiting for me to get their "bones".

Shoes are another trigger and if the leashes get picked up, there's a lot of excited barking.

Aren't they fun?
I just thought of another good one that Gunny does. I have my computor programed so that Barry Whites voice says Good Bye to me when I sign off.
As soon as Gunny hears this,no matter where he is in the house he comes running . He knows it is finally time for him to get some of my attention!
Bucher hates the speed bumps on the road! He acts like something is going to get him from under the seat. Sally runs from where ever she is in the house if she hears the front door unlatch. They both start barking like someone is at our door when door bells ring on TV! The commercial where they are looking for a dog driving with the squeaky toy also get a reaction from Sally. Not to mention the garage door going up, someone is coming home to see them!!! :)
You just reminded me! The washer board things they put to warn of stop signs coming up! Molly sits bolt upright with her ears trained as far forward as they go, and stares downward with a tilt to her head that perfectly expresses confusion! Since there're always three washboards before a stop sign her head tilts a little more with each one. I think its a scream! I'd love to know what she's thinking.
Oh there are so many triggers!! The one that drives me crazy is my husband has a tendency to exclaim "oh" when some one comes to the door and Sparty who considers it his mission in life to NEVER allow some one to come to our home with out an earsplitting greeting immediately races to the door barking. So if my husband says "oh" for anything (such as "I just remembered something") Sparty goes crazy! The other big trigger is about an hour before dinner every time I move all three dogs race into the kitchen. I guess it is good exercise for them!


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