What can I do to make my newly neutered pup more comfortable?

Linus just got back from the vet a few hours ago and he is a whiny pathetic mess.  He has a "comfy cone" and he hates it.  We took it off for a minute to adjust it and he went right for the stitches, so he is definitely in discomfort.  He keeps trying to lick them even though the cone is on.  Is there anything else we can do for him?  His meds don't start until tomorrow. 

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You could always give him some calming treats. Another good idea is if you give him a chewy treat... One that lasts long to get his mind off things. Sammie just had knee surgery and I got her a tasty teeth cleaning treat and she did fine. But make sure when he has the cone on you watch him with the treat. Or maybe get him a kong toy and put peanut butter in it.

Poor baby...those cones are so miserable.  Lots of attention will help distract him and treats but keeping an eye on him while chomping away is the way to go.  I know from previous experience that it's hard for them to eat with that cone on.  We would take it off for meal time and maybe for a short play time but you have to keep your eyes on them constantly while it's off.

We just had a cat who had the cone on for 3 weeks because of major surgery.  He was also kept in isolation because the other cats were terrified of this monster and the dogs just wanted to sniff the surgical area.  I felt so bad for him.

Poor baby. Did they give him some pain meds? Just like people...I suppose some are much more sensitive other and also there are "licker" and non licker. Maybe just sit by him and find a chewy or something that can occupy his time. It should get better soon.

Boys can do many activities right after a neuter, just no vigorous romping and don't get the area wet.  So I'd really just try to distract him; gentle play, lots of short walks, etc.  It probably doesn't hurt so much as it might be the stitches/glue are irritating him.

Females are different, but the surgery for males isn't so bad.  Poor little guy.

I've been trying to distract him, but he's completely disinterested today.  He's still pretty mopey/sleepy.  I made him some eggs for breakfast this morning (it's his birthday) and he really enjoyed that, but then it was back to sleep mode.  He still wants to bite at the stitches though.  Hopefully he'll be more himself tomorrow.  Thank you all! 


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