I've used Advantage with my last corgi and had no problems.  With my current rescue Thor, I noticed the medication 'amps' him up and his breath smells like Advantage (!)  I gave him a smaller dose this time, he still had the same reaction and this time he vomited (1 day after his bath and flea treatment; but he still had an appetite and didn't vomit anymore).  So, is Frontline a better alternative?  I don't think Advantage is sold anymore, and I've heard that Advantix is not as effective and can cause skin rash, hair loss, etc.  What flea product do you put on your corgi babies, and do they work?

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Frontline works good too, but I use Sentinel because it works for fleas and heartworm. It doesn't prevent ticks though, so when we went camping I applied Frontline. Rex hasn't gotten fleas yet this summer, so I haven't had problems yet.
Hi Norma, flea med depends on where you live and how bad the infestation is. The best combo in Florida is Capstar (light infestation), Sentinel (preventive), Comfortis (Heavy infestation).
What do you do for your house to make sure the carpets and stuff are free flea? do you bomb several times? or is there something better that works. we just flea dipped Vinnie and he's clean rite now and we put the advantage on his back.

Long ago we had 1 cat, lots of fleas.  A company called FleaBusters dusted our carpets and upholstery with polyborate salts (borax, essentially, a dessicant, not a neurotoxin).  They guranteed it for a year and we had no fleas for several years.  We live in Seattle; YMMV in other climates. 

We use Advantix  (mainly for ticks, but fleas too).  If you bathe the dog first, wait 3 days before applying topical flea poisons; supposedly, you want the dog's skin oils to get replenished because they spread the insecticide around the skin.

First of all you need to understand the life cycle, then you'll understand how long it'll take to get rid of them from your house. Of course you need to wash all beddings, drapes, vacuum daily, dispose all bags, tied and leave at curb side. You can sprinkle, salt, borax, in the carpet.


Bombing should be your last resort, it is extremely toxic, follow the instruction of the can, prepare to take your family and dog out for a good half a day, then prepare to come back, air out everything and wipe down all surfaces, then you move everyone back in.

I use Frontline Plus on both my dogs.
No matter what, I'd say you want something that kills fleas at all stages, eggs to "full grown."  We use Advantix and haven't had any problems.  Then again, not sure what our corgi's exposure to fleas is.
We live in an area where ticks are also a big concern, so we use K9 Advantix.    Never see a flea.  However, check the ingredients because they are made by the same company as Advantage and so if the one made him sick, you might want to use something with a different set of ingredients.
I use Frontline Plus on my little pupster and it works just fine in my area.  You could talk to your Vet to find out what he/she recommends.  Given the flea and tick populations where I live, my Vet recommends Frontline and, in the 3 years that I have had Yuki (and now Ellie), I haven't had a single problem with fleas or ticks.  They have also not had any side effects, but all dogs are different.

I am using Trifexis for Scout.  I Like the medication given by mouth for her because she loves getting in water and I can also give her baths if she gets muddy (which is inevitable).  It also works as a heartworm preventative. 

What is Trifexis like compared to Sentinel?  I see Sentinel looks a little less expensive. I'm still knd of using trial and error to see what I am going with permanantly.

Trifexis kills adult fleas. Sentinel sterilizes adult fleas. An adult flea only lives about 10 days, but can produce THOUSANDS of eggs during that time. That said, if your dog has flea allergies where one bite sends them into a tail spin, Trifexis is probably the way to go. It works fast. With Sentinel, the results happen at a slower pace, but does a good job over time to help control the environment.


IMO, don't use potent poison unless you really need to.

I've used comfortis for 2 years now and never seen a flea on any of the dogs who are outside and in central Texas brush...just switched to trifexis which now is flea, parasite and heartworm med all combined.


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