I know the breed info usually makes reference to about 12 years for corgi lifespan, but I'm wondering if folks here have experiences with much older corgis.  So, who has (or has known) the oldest corgi?  What are some tips for longevity?

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Hi Vee, Kelpie - one of the Queen's corgis was 17. there's 1 corgi in my neighbourhood who's 14. I think the key to longevity is good genes, good food, exercise and a lighter weight.

My breeder lost one of her dogs last year at 14.  He had one litter mate still around, but it was blind, deaf, and could hardly walk.  Her dog was healthy up until the day he died due to his excellent diet (presumably).  She has another 14 year old that has DM and has had it for a year and half.  Still going strong with just hind-limb paralysis (again, presumably due to diet)!  It will eventually claim her, but she will probably live to be 15 and maaaaybe 16.  


Ideal weight, active lifestyle, nutritious food, and good breeding all contribute to the long, healthy life of a dog.  ...and people!

Since this thread was resurrected, I just want to say that the dog with DM is still kickin' and goin' strong!

A stranger at the coffee shop said she once had a 19 year old Pembroke.

I distrust the emphasis on diet because it is fashionable.  That said, there is one thing, and only one thing as far as I know, that has been proven to increase lifespan in experimental animals, and that is caloric restriction:  starve lab mice, and they live something like 30% longer.   Or maybe it only seems 30% longer to them.

Personally, I eschew this healthful practice.

I also met a 19 year old corgi. He was pretty fun, but only had partial control of his back legs. 

I know there was a top winning cardigan named Maggie who lived to be 17 but I'm not familiar with the breeder.

honestly, who could starve a corgi?  But there's a lot to be said for ideal weight, isn't there?  They just ACT as if they are starving...


I'd really love for my guys to make it to 15 or 16 and be healthy. 


I wonder if there's any info out there related to solo dog longevity versus dogs in multiple dog households.

Maggie is CH Kingsbury's Carbon Copy.

She was born 1/27/1992 and died in 3/26/2010 of natural causes.

She was beautiful and amazing - and the top winning American Cardigan of all time.



Exercise and diet seems to be the answer. My Dino and Coco (brother and sister) are going to be eight this year in about two months. No record as yet.
Luck in the "gene pool" plays a big part unfortunately but I agree you can increase the odds and quality of life by maintaining a good weight. It is difficult with the corgis appetite but so worth it! Sparty, my 13 year old disagrees by the way....

My Corgi is a little over 12 and having trouble keeping his weight down since he cannot get around like he used to.

I have to carry him up and down the stairs.Other than that he is doing great for his age...am hoping he will be healthy and around for at least a few more years )-: 

I have noticed some changes in his behavior this past year....I have trouble getting him to go out to go to the bathroom.He just doesnt seem to want to go out.When I do he has begun pooping on the sidewalk and he never ever did that before-he would always go on the grass or side of path.Any one else with a senior corgi having these same issues?

I know of an owner who had a 16 year old and a 17 year old corgi. I'm hoping Franklin falls into this category! Another owner who went to the vet I worked at also had a 17 year old corgi with IVDD, she didn't like using her cart and spent almost 3 years dragging herself around but was happy as can be!


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