
I have an 8 week old female red/white with a black "mask" as my breeder called it. It seems to still just hang around her mouth area, will it go away any time soon? 

picture of my zoey :)


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I dont know if it will go away, but I wouldnt worry about it.  She is adorable. 

It will probably fade quite a bit as she gets older, but it's hard to say for sure if it will totally be gone.

Here is my Henry when he was a pup. He had similar markings on his muzzle.

At the age of ~2

What a handsome boy :)!!

I have no answer––just wanted to say Zoey's absolutely adorable.

Zoey is adorable!! My corgi, Baxter, had some black around his mouth and it stayed when he got older. I like it a lot. I think it gives him a lot of character. =)


Baxter at 6 weeks old:


Baxter grown up:

Beautiful baby. Absolutely beautiful. I love her little "mask". Kiss her often, take TONS of pictures, and update us as time goes by with a timeline of her transformation. There have been discussions on puppy vs adult appearance, and it's interesting to see similar pups who grow up either losing their masks or keeping them. No matter what happens, she will be a piece of heaven, pure and simple.

In my first pem, it left within a few weeks.  She is young yet but I wouldn't mind if it stayed.

My second Pem kept his mask but he has some other black so I really like them.

stay or not stay she is adorable! I would like to see some pictures as she gets older(:

Thanks for the replies everyone! We truly love her and she definitely has a great personality. very spunky and dorky! 

This picture taken just yesterday :)


Looks likes its just typical corgi puppy coloring that mostly turns to red as they get older.  Here is a link that shows how much the colors change, http://www.winddialfarm.com/Corgi_Coat_Color_Progression.html

Interesting to see Java's progression, you'd almost think it wasn't the same dog because her blaze practically vanished.

these markings should fade but to cute to matter,


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