as the title says its been awhile since i have been on this site, honestly since August! i know, i know how could i have been gone so long? well a lot of things have happened since then. as most of u read back in the spring my husband was deploying so i was busy for some with that and well i have to report that things didnt go well while he was away so things between us are not good. in that time though i made lots of new friends here on the base so i was with them most of the time and i decided to better my health by going to the gym every day for a few months to loose some weight and eat right. i lost 36 pounds! im pretty proud of my self for that. i lost all that in just 3months time.
now enough about me, im sure u are wondering how baden and dollar are doing. dollar is living with arthur and is his and baden is with me. baden and i have a very deep bond and there was no way i could give him up. dollar and arthur bonded more so naturally she stayed with him. he also has jango(one of the cats) and i have yoda (the other cat)
Baden turned a year old back on November 24th. i made him a big plate of chicken and veggies for his birthday meal and he got a ton of new toys and raw hides. i couldnt get any pics since i lost my camera and my phone is dumb and wouldnt let me at the time :/ but he has blossomed into such a wonderful boy. hes so friendly and obedient that it makes me so proud. he loves to waddle his butt up to every dog, cat, and person with a smile on his face and adores kids above all. he loves to play fetch more than walks but on his walks he is an angel and if u remember a few months back that boy could pull me down the street! lol but now he walks on a martingale collar (the one i gave teddy for his birthday last yr) and listens to whatever i tell him. hes also very protective of me, if we see someone he does this low grumble and will look at me and stop as if to warn me that they are there but once i tell him good boy he wants to naturally say hello. hes also had gotten more cuddly when before he hated to be hugged but now he wants nothing more than to lay in your lap to chew a rawhide while u pet him. also, according to the person im living with whenever i leave for work he stares out the window until i come back and will do small whines and depending on the day i could be gone up to 6 hrs! thats how much this little guy loves me <3 he also got to experience snow for the first time! we got so much snow here in AR, they said the most since 88 so my wish came true for a white Christmas:D he was playing in it with his friend, dragon.
i still do miss teddy and think of him often but i see traits in baden that teddy had i adore it. im very happy to have this little guy in my life along with yoda. no matter how crappy of a day i had they both welcome me home with smiles, wags, and a woof/meow lol (in the pic with both my cat and baden keep in mind that yoda is a maine coon, they r huge cats!)
Glad things are going well and he looks wonderful!
thank you through everything the best thing i could do was to make sure we are all taken care of
He's adorable, what a happy boy. And so nice to have around when things are hard -- can never be too unhappy with a smiling Corgi at your feet. And congrats on the weight loss -- how did you do that so quickly?
thank you:) when i first started going there was a nutritionist that told me the right way to eat and i followed it to the T. she gave a lot insight that i didnt know. u have to make sure u eat your calories BUT they have to be good ones (fruits) and u want to eat them in the morning. she also stated that fat dosnt make u fat (i know weird) but sugar does. u have to have fat in order to loose weight but it must be the good fats that u get from almonds and olive oil. i also gave up milk and switched to almond milk (its yummy) and ate only 40 calorie bread. and once a week u are suppose to "cheat" u can have what ever u want as it charges up you metabolism.
i had a strict diet that i followed and a 3hr work out i did. for breakfast i would eat 3 different types of fruit, and egg cooked in olive oil, and 1 glass of almond milk. for lunch it was 2 turkey sandwiches with mustard and cucumbers and tomatoes (fiber) and a cup of almonds. for dinner it would be boiled chicken in a salad with all sorts of different veggies. if i ever got hungry i would eat fish as they are packed with protein and little calories. u can also eat as much veggies as u want through out the the day and to save fat/calories u can dip them in Italian dressing. make sure u eat carbs as well!
for my workouts i never did the same thing 2days in a row. one day it would be arms, legs, core or just plain cardio. at the begging of every work out i would either run for 15mins or stair climber for 10mins. what also helped was i took fish oil pills with CLA from GNC. when working out she said u need to do low rep days (3 sets of 20 on a low weight) and high rep days (3 sets of 8 on a high weight) hope that makes sense
another things she said was to never eat red meat after 12pm, she said it slows down your digestive system and takes about 3days for its to be fully digested so if ur going to eat that its better in the morning but i never ate red meat unless it was my cheat day. chicken or fish is your best friend when on a diet :)
Nice to see you on here:) Glad things are going well and everyone looks happy in the pics. he's a great looking dog!
its good to back on this site :), i missed everyone
Wow, lots of things going on! It's great to hear that Baden has been such a good boy, though, and walks nicely on the leash! :)
im glad for that lol i swear he thought he was a husky at times lol
thank you :)
Congratulations. Exercise is important for maintaining body weight -- and what better exercise than walking with a corgi?
You hinted that some things were not good -- but a good dog can help work those things out, too. Beautiful dog with that white splash on the neck.
thank you John, me and baden always look forward to our runs. its something to look forward to and a great way to stay in shape lol
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