Has anybody heard of the procedure called "Zeuterin" before? We spoke to someone today at the dog park who had their two cardigan's "zeutered" instead of neutered. It's an FDA-approved chemical injection that goes into each testicle and dogs retain about 50% testosterone. Whereas when your dog is neutered it doesn't produce any testosterone anymore. Some people have said the benefits of keeping 50% testosterone are continued muscle growth and it can help when dogs get older and have arthritis or other joint issues.

I'm curious to see what everyone else knows and has heard about it. I haven't met anyone else who has done it before so I'm curious to see the pros and cons of it. Thank you! 

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Interesting...I haven't heard of Zeuterin.

Never heard of it.

Never heard of it.  I personally would stick to conventional neutering.  There are no bad side effects to simple neutering, while the other method, if very new, has not passed the test of time.  FDA approval is no guarantee of no side effects either in the short or long term.  Just listen to a few of the TV drug commercials for people drugs..... it's enough to scare anyone!

I just tarted looking at corgi rescues and read about them needing to be neutered or zeuterered. First time I ever heard the term also.

Interesting new research is now being done on sterilization, may be the wave of the future....:


Never heard of it...

I don't really trust it since it's a new chemical procedure.  I'm no expert but if you don't remove the testicles wouldn't that negate the purpose of neutering to eliminate the occurrence of testicular cancer?  Neutering also reduces the incidence of benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland, prostatitis, and perineal hernias in dogs.

Neutering/spaying procedures are so simple these days, especially if done by laser, there's hardly any complications if you keep your animal clean and calm (even though that's impossible with 6-9 month-old dogs) until healed.  My dude was neutered at 6 months.  It didn't change him one bit!  He grew into an enormous corgi despite not having the testosterone (he's 37 pounds at his last vet weigh-in and he's a Pem - you can still feel/see his ribs and waistline, vet said he was perfect just a big boy!).  AND most vet clinics or shelters have programs where they'll help pay for your spay/neuter to make it more affordable for you!  I would go with what has been done for many, many years instead of a new procedure...

Just my opinion!


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