Cheesehead Corgis


Cheesehead Corgis

A group for Corgi owners, future Corgi owners, and lovers of the breed who live in Wisconsin. All Corgis, whether purebred or mixed, are welcome!

Location: Wisconsin
Members: 122
Latest Activity: Jul 14, 2019

Discussion Forum

2018 Picnic???

Started by Chris Payerl Aug 9, 2018. 0 Replies

2014 Corgi Picnic--Brainstorms and Ideas

Started by Flicker. Last reply by vicky hyde Mar 20, 2014. 5 Replies

Cheesehead Corgi Photo Contest

Started by Flicker Nov 2, 2013. 0 Replies

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Comment by Lynne Cerny on April 4, 2011 at 10:16am
Hi Vicky we had storms last night, Sally was not a happy camper, but not quite as bad as she has been in the past.  I'm going crazy with worry over the ultra sound results for Boo this afternoon!  We talked to the breeder and his father Cody died at 9 years from a tumor on his spleen (and then his mother Shelly died 3 days later, she was 12).  Lets hope we caught it early enough to do something!
Comment by vicky hyde on April 3, 2011 at 4:08pm
hey-------------- anyone out there????? it's been pretty quiet lately. we have gotten rain, then thunder/lightening, snow, hail, then more hard pouring rain and that was all before noon. it's been pretty quiet since it stopped. at least it wasn't another 18" dump like the last time. keeping fingers crossed we have seen the last of the white stuff. hope all is well. take care
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on March 27, 2011 at 10:59am
I think I just died from Adorable!
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 27, 2011 at 9:00am
Oh congrats! What a cutie!!
Comment by Flicker on March 26, 2011 at 9:27pm

Picture of my new puppy, Winston :)

Comment by vicky hyde on March 24, 2011 at 12:45pm
ok. thundershirt people, or those that want to get one. i found this in the back of better homes and gardens- only $36.00 and free shipping when you use this code: BHG856. phone number is 1-866-892-2078.
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 24, 2011 at 7:21am

I don't want to give rescues a bad name!  I just have a hard time when people think that if they just had the dog it would be fine.  I love Sally and would rescue her again if given the chance!  I want her to have the happiest fullest life I can give her and yes she is more work than the dog that I purchased but very rewarding to me as we make progress!!  I think I will look into the vest!  Thanks for the info!  PS:  Sally thanks you too with corgi kisses :)

Comment by Julia on March 24, 2011 at 1:49am


Lilliput measure 20" around her chest. She weighs 25 lbs. The size M is for 18" - 26". There are also weights listed on the package, but as we all know, weight isn't very reliable when sizing corgi clothes! I had to pull the measuring tape pretty tight to get a good measurement because of all her fur. With your fluffy, you may need to do the same.

The fabric is stretchy, and they say it breathes to keep the dog cool. I usually have the AC on when the air is humid, like during a rainstorm, so I'm not so too worried about overheating.

Comment by vicky hyde on March 24, 2011 at 12:12am
i totallt respect all that have rescue dogs. mine are both totally spoiled show dogs. ok, jack is retired now. it's time to concentrate on joker. yes, every dog has quirks, no matter where they come  from, but when you get a dog that you don't know the history of, it makes it a bit more challenging. jack's mom was terrified of storms and god forbid if you brought out a water spray bottle. i finally asked the person i got her from about it and she told me that in one of the homes she was in, used the spray bottle for correcting. great. i taught jack how to drink from a water spray bottle. much easier than toting bottles of water and bowls to the ring side at a show and also used it for spritzing in the warmer weather. i tried using the spray bottle on my at for correcting things, sharpening claws on furniture or what ever. he ran when he saw it come out, but set it on the floor and he would wrap himself around it. anyway, i'm not picking on the rescues' actually, they are very special friends. take care
Comment by Jane on March 23, 2011 at 9:28pm

There are a couple of photos of the thundershirt in these threads. I believe both dogs are wearing a medium. Cooper I believe is big for a corgi, and Sadie is more petite.


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