Cheesehead Corgis


Cheesehead Corgis

A group for Corgi owners, future Corgi owners, and lovers of the breed who live in Wisconsin. All Corgis, whether purebred or mixed, are welcome!

Location: Wisconsin
Members: 122
Latest Activity: Jul 14, 2019

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Started by Chris Payerl Aug 9, 2018. 0 Replies

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Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 22, 2011 at 7:27am

I got the Calm Shen at the same place, my holistic vet just told me about it. I have looked at the vest and wondered how it would work let me know if you try it how it goes.  My corgis get so warm that I wasn't sure that they would like it.  Here is the link for the calm shen. 

Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 22, 2011 at 7:22am

I just ordered some rescue remedy for Sally yesterday.

Comment by Julia on March 22, 2011 at 12:44am

I've never tried this on a dog, but the weighted vest is something I've used on children with autism or emotional disorders. It does work for them. I tried one on myself once, and the evenly distributed weight did actually have an immediate relaxing effect on me :) A caveat with humans: time must be restricted. 20 mins on, then two hours off. Not sure if dogs are the same. If so, it's not something you should leave on him when you leave.

I might actually try this on Lilliput. I would prefer it to the drugs I currently use.

Comment by Toby {Brenda} on March 21, 2011 at 7:29pm
Yes I have heard about the thundershirt-- where do you get that Rescue Remedy at Jane?? Have you tried it at all on your dogs??  Also do you know where to get a thundershirt?? I am hoping this calming collar works-- we will see..
Comment by Jane on March 21, 2011 at 7:25pm
I've heard good things about the thundershirt for helping anxiety. You could also try Rescue Remedy, I believe it's a natural stress reliever that they make for both pets and people.
Comment by Toby {Brenda} on March 21, 2011 at 7:16pm

Got my calming collar today in the mail-- it is really nice and I put it on him for awhile and I did notice abit of a difference in the little while he had it on..tomorrow will be the what counts calling on more storms and we are both at work- so I am gonna put it on him in the morning before I leave and my neighbor will be coming over to check on the boys.. One of the girls I work with has a lab that is the same way with storms and she just got a calming collar as well and she put it on her and within 10 minutes noticed a big difference her dog layed right now and went to sleep.. So heres hoping this works-- keep my fingers crossed..If anyone is interested in one of the collars you can go to to check them out..Or even some vets sell them to..I tried the crate thing and that is a no - no he will not go in it at all-- the other people that had him left him in a big closed in crate all the time and now he is scared to death of them--have tried and my vet said since he is like that - it would do more harm then good I keep both boys in the kitchen when are both gone.. Otherwise they have run of the house when we are home.. I will try the walking thing when i can -- usually I am at work during the day though..

   Also do you know if you can get that Herbsmith Calm Shen anywhere else besides at a vet???  Thank you everyone -- your a blessing!!! I will also look for a thunderstorm cd as well and try that when I am home...

Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on March 21, 2011 at 6:43pm
The calming collar should help.  I have never heard of a calming collar.  Usually it's some sort of vest.  Does he use/like crates?  If he likes them it might be a calming influence to be in a draped/semi draped one.  If you're home and you know school buses or dump trucks are going to go by, put him on his leash and calmly walk past it.  Don't let him feel your anxiety.  If you get him not to react, give him a really yummy treat, like warm hot dog.  Don't do it multiple times in a day.  Do it kind of how I suggested the thunder storm stuff.  It's no instant fix, but it should help.
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 21, 2011 at 8:15am
I also have a rescue who is scared of everything.  On Friday I just started her on Herbsmith Calm Shen that my Holistic Vet recommended.  This is not something that works right away but, she seems better, yesterday with the storm, she would normally be hiding in the bedroom shaking!  Yesterday she stayed out by me, not happy with the storm but very much different from how she normally acts!!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she only continues to improve!!!
Comment by Toby {Brenda} on March 21, 2011 at 7:25am
Thank you all for your advice-- Yesterday was horrible and it does not help when both my daughter and I have been so ill on top of things.. I have had dogs all my life and never had to deal with severe issues like this-- I love this little guy and I want to help him-- and I know it will take time--I am just getting frustrated.. He is scared of when school bus's go past the house or the garbage truck- thunder and fireworks -- scared of any kind of loud noise he hears.. This morning I took the boys outside and I had to stay in the yard with him so he would potty-- they both did their duty and wham he was ready to come right in..Calm at the moment but I gotta work today - my daughter is home today she is off -- but I am terrified what do I do when we both are at work and storms hit-- he already has sparation anxiety already- he is find with Toby and I put both boys in the kitchen with the radio on when we both are working the same hours..My neighbor lady does come and let them out and walk them a couple times a day as well.. I did order a special calming collar and I am waiting for it to come-- I did give him some benedryl yesterday nothing helped.. I donot want to drug him if possible- but I am gonna call my vet today too and see what she says as well.. Please I welcome all the help I can get with with this little guy he has been through to much already and I want to help him..
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on March 21, 2011 at 3:16am

@ Brenda:

Perhaps if you give us a more detailed list of what exactly she is afraid of, we can give you more solutions.


For the thunder, you have a cd player, right?  Get a recording of thunder and play it real low, to the point where you can barely hear it, for about 5 minutes and shut it off.  DO NOT react to the sound, act casual as if nothing is happening out of the ordinary.  They really pick up on your emotions and if you're showing anxiety, they will DEFINITELY pick up on it and react.  Do this about once a day until she doesn't react at all to it.  Then raise the volume ever so slightly and do it again the same way.  Essentially lather rinse repeat this formula until it's at a normal say TV level.  It's a simple fix, but will take a VERY long time.  I got this off the show "It's Me or the Dog".    I hope it helps!




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