
Nipping corgis..

when your corgi gets too wild,does he nip you?

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Started by Dara and Gracie Aug 3, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Ein Danger on August 27, 2009 at 12:18am
ein's a total nipper but he is getting better :) we make him focus his nipping on toys instead of our hands.
Comment by Priscilla Alba on August 26, 2009 at 10:47pm
Hello all, I'm Jerry and yes, I am a nipper. I especially love trying to bite the little bows off of mommy's slippers as she walks!
Comment by Dara and Gracie on July 28, 2009 at 11:45am
I definitely should be a member of this club! Gracie is still a puppy though is mostly playing. She is beginning to herd us along when we are walking You gotta love these Corgis!
Comment by Anthony Garcia on July 11, 2009 at 3:20am
HEy whats up? Im lowrider and i am a nipper.
Comment by Stephanie & Bonnie Fox on June 13, 2009 at 6:29pm
Hello! My name is Bonnie I'm a little almost 7mo. old and I'm a nipper.
Comment by Destiny/Mini on March 31, 2009 at 8:36pm
Mini got me so bad now i have a hole in my pinky...OUCH!
Comment by Destiny/Mini on March 27, 2009 at 7:37am
my little Mini-poo nips at me the most but she does nip pretty much anybody she meets. She also nips at my daughter's knees as she walks around and Lexi is the only person she does THAT too. She will calm down a bit but usually that takes us all throwing toys around till she tires out a little. saying "NO BITE" does make her stand back for a second..then right back to nipping again. the water bottle does not effect her at all, she LOVES it, and then tries to put her mouth on the bottle to drink it. she is a riot!! very cute but we know it is also bad....more toys the better! keep them occupied.
Comment by Sarah on March 26, 2009 at 8:15pm
Joshua is a nipper, too! He does it to me more than anyone else (probably because I am his FAVORITE person in the whole wide world!) He doesn't actually bite hard, but he has sunk a tooth deep enough into my clothing to 1) tear a hole in my pants and 2) leave a small scratch on my arm. It's cute that he gets all excited and jumps around and I don't mind him "tagging" me, but when he starts to nip I tell him "NO - no biting!" and stop playing. Our obedience class instructor suggested using a squirt bottle when he does it, but he is deathly afraid of it and when I use it he then becomes afraid of me for awhile, so it's not an ideal solution. Maybe I will try holding his mouth closed, like someone suggested below. For me it's just a minor annoyance (except when he tore my pants - I was not thrilled about that) but I worry he'll get into the habit of doing it to others and they will think he's actually trying to bite them.
Comment by Chelle on March 2, 2009 at 11:30am
Micah is definitely a nipper, and she does get a little too wild with it sometimes. I know it's just for play, so when it's a light nip i always let it pass. Whenever she does get too rough, though, I always roll her on her back and keep her there to assert my "alpha dog" position so she calms down. it always works for her, since she knows that i'm the one in charge, because she'll always crawl in my lap afterwards and lick my hand for attention. I've also tried holding her mouth closed, but that's not as effective as rolling her over.
Comment by Riley & Sadie on February 21, 2009 at 12:29pm
Nipping is no more than playful excitement. Yes it can be "inconvenient" at times, but as long as you lay down the law, it can be controlled. Corgi's need to know YOU are in charge, not them. If allowed, they will take over in no time. As long as they know the difference between nipping and biting and what's acceptable you should be fine. I broke Riley of his nipping very simply. The first few times he did it and it wasn't "cute" I simply held his mouth closed and gave a stern command "No Biting". After hearing that about 3 or 4 times, and having his mouth held shut (which he does NOT care for), he learned. When he starts to get rough now, I just say "No biting", and we can play Bite Free! My big girl Tally learned the same way. Unfortunately it was to not bite Riley! Now a "Play NIce" command is all she needs. Dog's are alot smarter than they want us to think they are. Good luck and remember the key to training is repetition, and consistency. Jon

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