Brooke Busteed
  • Female
  • Westminster, CA
  • United States
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Brooke Busteed's Friends

  • Denny & Caroline & Ranger
  • J
  • Lola and Paige
  • Rocky Road Gallagher
  • Dayna
  • N a t h a n    &     L u f f y
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Chili
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

Brooke Busteed's Discussions

Scared of imaginary murderer at my door!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Beth Apr 10, 2013. 5 Replies

Lately Billy is DEATHLY AFRAID at home.  He thinks there is a killer at the door or something.  Last night he kept barking and growling and running to be by my side. There was nobody outside, no…Continue

First Visit to Snow!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Christensen Dec 11, 2012. 8 Replies

I have a question regarding the snow.  We are taking Billy to the snow for the first time this month for a few days and I have seen pictures of dogs in little booties for their feet?  Is this…Continue

Problems after neutering?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brooke Busteed Nov 13, 2012. 7 Replies

Billy was neutered on October 26th and everything seemed fine up until yesterday.  He was lying on the floor and he looked funny and I noticed he was peeing in the house.  Billy is completely potty…Continue

Puppy Play? What's Normal?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brooke Busteed Aug 9, 2012. 14 Replies

Billy is ALWAYS biting legs, I know he is a hearding dog but is this okay puppy play? Should I correct it somehow?  I don't want him to do this to the wrong dog. Continue

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Brooke Busteed's Page

Profile Information

Garden Grove CA
About Me:
Just got my first Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I love my Billy
I have:

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Brooke Busteed's Blog

Time to upsize?

Posted on August 7, 2012 at 6:03pm 9 Comments

I don't know if I should get Billy a bigger crate, to me it looks uncomfy.  He likes to sleep all stretched out and he can't seem to do so in this crate but I don't want it so big he goes to the bathroom in it???? Is this too small?  He has grown SO FAST!

Sad :(

Posted on July 19, 2012 at 1:00am 51 Comments

I really need some advice here...Is it possible for a dog to just NOT like a human? I have done everything for this dog and he still shows me NO love, NO respect....I really don't know what to do with him.  I have had TONS of dogs all my life and have never met one so distant.  I am really thinking about getting rid of him even after the THOUSANDS I have already spend on him, his vet bills and all he could ever ask for as far as toys, food, care etc.  I really don't feel comfortable giving…


Poor Billy has Mange ;(

Posted on July 14, 2012 at 6:39pm 13 Comments

I noticed a spot on Billy's head this morning and took him to the vet, turns out the poor lil man has mange.  He also has been fighting kennel cough which has led to an pnemonia ( i can't spell that) He was put on Ivermectin (amongst 3 antibiotics for the pnemonia)  which can cause a lot of issues for him including neurological problems.  This has postponed his vaccines and now he can not go to Puppy Kindergarten :(  I just need my little man to be better he has not been healthy since the…


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At 9:51pm on December 5, 2013, Lola and Paige said…
I'm glad to hear that you and billy are getting along great and you didn't give up on him! He is a cute little guy and I hope you two maintain a great relationship!
At 8:29pm on November 30, 2013, Lola and Paige said…
Hey haven't talked to you in awhile, how are you and Billy doing? Is he showing you affection finally?
At 5:41pm on April 10, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Hi Brooke,

Yes, they are all mine but Peyton on the left just came back to visit and is leaving for his new forever home in a couple weeks:)

At 12:24am on March 27, 2013, Denny & Caroline & Ranger said…
Billy wasnt mean to Ranger. Dogs will be dogs.
At 10:56pm on March 26, 2013, Denny & Caroline & Ranger said…

It was nice to hang out with you and Billy at Mile Square 

At 4:14pm on March 22, 2013, N a t h a n & L u f f y said…

He didn't seem to have any aggression towards humans, only other dogs. Luffy gets the same way around food with other dogs and I also had to leave right away. Toys and food should be common sense and never be brought into dog parks because dogs WILL protect what they see as high a value food/toy, it's in their nature.  What I'm trying to say is that it wasn't you or Billy's fault.

At 2:29am on March 22, 2013, N a t h a n & L u f f y said…

What Denny said would be a good idea! It sucked you and Billy had to go so soon, he still had so much play left in him.  Don't blame yourself or Billy for what happened today because it was actually encouraged by the girl that didn't know any better. Billy was also just acting out in his natural way and i'm sure it can be curved with some training.  

At 11:29pm on March 21, 2013, Denny & Caroline & Ranger said…

Don't be so hard on the guy. Maybe next time we can have something with just our corgi. Some where without toys and other dogs. :) 

At 10:37pm on March 21, 2013, Denny & Caroline & Ranger said…

It was nice to meet you and Billy. I am sorry you had to leave soon. Hope to see you and Billy soon :)

At 11:50pm on January 7, 2013, N a t h a n & L u f f y said…

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