Here's a sample of the pics we took at our May meetup on Saturday. There were approximately 20 corgis! It was a…
Added by Stanley & Charlotte on May 31, 2009 at 9:35pm —
Just a quick post while puppy & hubby are napping. We brought Stewie home yesterday! He was the smallest boy of the litter and the sweetest little guy! Before we made our final decision we played with three Red & White boys and a tri female. One of the boys was nipping non-stop, the other boy was barking ALOT and the girl was just going going going going, total wild child. So that left the baby. He was very aware of everything going on, he played with his littermates and frapped around…
Added by Genna, Dustin & Stewie on May 31, 2009 at 9:05pm —
1 Comment
I know of one other Corgi from Kansas using this website. Just wanted to know if there were any others out there. Maybe we could organize a Corgi gathering?
Added by Jeanette on May 31, 2009 at 7:13pm —
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My sassy girl Dixie just loves to sing! Here's a video of her singing to the theme song of her favorite show!
Added by Jamie Poniatowski on May 31, 2009 at 6:25pm —
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This morning as I was getting ready for church, I came into the family room and saw Ginny laying on the floor and twitching. I walked over to her and saw that she was just trembling all over. Still holding her head up and looking at me, but she was just sort of trembling all over. I picked her up and moved her over to her doggy bed to try to make her more comfortable and sat next to her just petting her and reassuring her. She just kept twitching for a while and then it got a little worse, and…
Added by Ginny and Diggory on May 31, 2009 at 2:44pm —
I got sick, so have been out of commission for a couple of weeks. So, here's the update - he has a name - Sir Farley - we call him Farley. He is doing very well with toilet training and everything in general - hasn't destroyed anything yet. The cats don't particularly care for him and he wishes they would play, but they are standoffish. He's kind of vocal/yippee, very social, and very cute!! Oh yeah, what's up with the coarse fur he has along his spine? I am guessing that's a corgi trait...
Added by Amy & Miles on May 31, 2009 at 2:30pm —
Squirrels are the bane of Winnie's existence. If she ever caught one, she would die happy. What would make your Corgi
die happy? (metaphorically, of course!)
Added by Esther and Winnie on May 30, 2009 at 11:54pm —

Tammey, Bear, and I, just finished helping a really sweet couple move from Dallas TX to Lookout Mountain TN. Although, we were sad to take such good people away from Texas; we were thrilled to visit thier new home on top of Lookout Mountain. I never would have dreamed that there was a town up there! I thought it was just a park with a great view of seven states, a lot of hiking trails and Historical markers, a water fall or two, and maybe a gift shop.…
Added by Tammey & Caven on May 30, 2009 at 11:00pm —

Emmett is a handsome boy from Fort Myers, he is a quiet guy and have been well traveled for the last couple of days. Thanks to Maggi who busted him out of the shelter, followed by spending a night at
Mike's on Thursday, he was then transported to central Florida and stayed at Kelly's on Friday and now he's finally here with me on the east coast.
Emmett will be spending the next couple…
Added by Sam Tsang on May 30, 2009 at 8:22pm —
I posted a blog entry last night about possibly adopting a 1yr old female Pembroke at my county's high-kill shelter. Faye and I went to go see her this morning and I fell in-love with her immediately. When they were in the social area they sniffed each other and didn't seem too interested in each other. I thought that was a good thing because usually Faye growls at other dogs (just the males, i think). When we went inside the office the new corgi, hyper and still a puppy, really, wanted to play…
Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on May 30, 2009 at 2:00pm —
I am trying to get perfectional pictures of Fester and Winsday, where should i go??
Added by jessimechell on May 30, 2009 at 12:24pm —
We took Toki to Cleveland, TX last weekend to visit her family and for me and my boyfriend, Cody, to meet her parents for the first time. It was a great trip, I know Toki had a blast and my breeder shared so many wonderful tips on corgi raising with me. We also found out her dad has minor allergies and she recommended a few things for me to try.
I've never been to Cleveland before and I am one who prides herself on visiting almost every place in Texas. It was a very nice drive into…
Added by Marti & Toki on May 30, 2009 at 12:10am —
She's listed as a "Welsh Corgi - Cardigan Mix," but if you look at her picture you can clearly see that she's a Pembroke. She's a year old and smaller than my 4yr old female. I have concerns because I've heard that two females usually don't get along, but I've found that Faye doesn't like males that much either. I'm going to the shelter tomorrow morning with Faye so we can meet her and possibly adopt her. Some of the dogs have kennel cough and the conditions are horrible. There have been…
Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on May 29, 2009 at 11:30pm —
Jasper got his last set of puppy shots today! I feel like he's growing up so fast! He's 18 weeks old today and weighed in at a healthy 18.5 lbs. He was such a good boy and didn't even flinch when he got his shots. The only problem is that he is still a cryptorchid. I think that's just the way he's going to be, since the vet says his other testicle is all the way up in his abdomen still, but I think I'm going to wait until he's 6 months old to get him neutered just in case it drops. Has anyone…
Added by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on May 29, 2009 at 10:07pm —
I've been looking at pictures of fluffy corgis, I just love them. I wouldn't trade Dax for anything, but I love the fluffy look! I just realized a while ago, though, that the only fluffies I've ever seen are pembrokes. And this might be a stupid question (and/or the result of me just being oblivious), but are there any fluffy cardigans? Do they exist? I want to see some pictures! :) I can't decide if the next corgi I would get would be a fluffy pem or a cardigan. I just love the cardigans…
Added by Amanda on May 29, 2009 at 8:50pm —
Winnie has decided that
persimmons are quite delicious. Then again, she'll eat anything and everything. A true Corgi to the bone.
Added by Esther and Winnie on May 29, 2009 at 3:05pm —
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Spencer resting on Lance
</ Ziggy in front and Reese in back

Lance and Oliver

Gibson coming in from the outside area

Having Fun on the ramp

Name those corgis! Spencer is thinking: I will just sneak on out of here with Olivers toy…
Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 29, 2009 at 9:00am —
Charlie is shedding lots at present! He is ten months and he is losing so much fur. He is Pembroke tricolour. Is this normal? I got ten brushes full of fur off him two days in a row this week.... Any advice would be appreciated.
Added by Mary, Craig and Charlie Brown on May 29, 2009 at 8:12am —
Henry has some sort of eye irritation. I noticed last night that he was squinting a little with that I eye and when I checked it, it was bloodshot but I didn't see any foreign objects in it. So this morning I checked again and it's still the same. It doesn't seem to be bothering him though, cause he hasn't scratched at it or rubbed his face on the ground. I've been trying to do some research about it online. Conjunctivitis?
Also, does anyone have any advice on whether or not I should…
Added by Henrys Person on May 28, 2009 at 8:04pm —
Today the veterinarian wasn't our regular one. So the experience kind of sucked. She squirted his corona booster all over the place.. She took
forever with doing his rabies vac, so Eddy got all yippy and squirmy and wiggly, and she had to get a
helper. Then she lectured me, "Corgis are very protective of their bodies. Be sure to handle him a lot, like, touch his feet, his belly, his hindquarters.. that way he'll be better with the vet or when you'd like to clip his…
Added by Sunni A. on May 28, 2009 at 8:00pm —