Laura Jones's Blog – October 2008 Archive (3)

KC went to the vet

This morning my little girl went to the vet to get fixed. I was of course more upset about this then she was, for one thing she was peeved at me for having to spend the whole night in the crate and then having to be on the leash all morning until it was time to go. Secondly, the lady at the desk when I took her in did a "Oh you are so cute" so that was KC's cue to wiggle and kiss and snuggle, and she was like "yeah, whatever Mom" about me leaving her there. On the one hand I guess that is a… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on October 14, 2008 at 5:12pm — 4 Comments

What a smart girl

I knew that corgi's were the smartest dogs :D But this weekend I got to witness just how their little brains can really figure things out. We were up at my grandmother's house in Wallowa and had the dirty wet dogs shut into the laundry room until they dried off. The door on one end of this room is one of those bifold closet style doors that folds into the room. KC decided that she was tired of being locked up like a dog and wanted out....after careful consideration she figured out that if she… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on October 5, 2008 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

My furry child

So I just spent 10 minutes trying to get my little darling out from under my bed because she knew she was in trouble for chasing the cat. Those are the moments I sometimes wonder why I felt the need for another baby when my people children are finally getting to the age of going to school. Then when I finally nab her she gives me that look, you know the one, and I have to remind myself that she is in trouble. So as she is getting put in her little time out spot I sneak in a hug and an "I love… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on October 1, 2008 at 1:26pm — 2 Comments

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