Not too much to report. My husband has been working midnight shifts during a software "Go Live" at on of the hospitals his company has contracts with. So the household seems a bit strange as we adjust to having to be quiet all day long, and alone all night long. :(


I went to a "Girls night IN" party with a few girl friends. I taught some basic massage techniques and showed the girls how to make their own beauty products from things people usually already have in their homes.


The girl hosting the party just had a litter of puppies. They were so cute... and SO LARGE! At 2 weeks old the puppies were as large if not larger than Oona at 11 weeks old! The breed is Leonberger. I had never heard of them before, but beautiful, gentle giants. They own both momma and poppa, so it was really neat to see these absolutely massive dogs taking care of these puppies. There are 3 puppies available if anyone is interested in having to feed a living couch. Here is a link if you have no idea what the breed is :


Oh! Oona and Roslyn took their first successful walk together! Hooray! Roslyn because she is a bit more reliable was on the right side, with Oona on the left side! Oona only forgot herself in excitement a few times, but otherwise stayed in "heel" position. I am seriously impressed more and more by the corgi breed! Oona seems to be learning and retaining very quickly and at an early age. She hasn't had any "accidents" inside for 2 weeks, her list of commands is growing, and she seems to be eager to meet new challenges with no shyness what so ever.


Now of course she is no perfect angel. She still has a long way to go with leash training, She still jumps for attention, And she still steals timothy hay from the bunny... *rolls eyes.


All in all, I am impressed with corgis even more... and am now more then curious as to what her father may have been.

A trustworthy Blue Heeler?

A brave Aussie?

A dual purpose Catahoula Cur?

Whatever he was, he was smart enough to get into the pants of a corgi! :P


ok ok, enough talk... Picture time!

Here is a picture of Odin, the leonberger poppa. He was following me into the workshop. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of him perspective wise. The owner told me he weights in at 155 pounds... can you believe it??? I can. That dogs nose was the size of my Iphone!

I find the girls curled up sleeping together quite often. I'm guessing it is because the both want the same sunbeam!

But then it quickly turns into this as soon as the beam is gone.

Roslyn is trying out of Next Top Model... she always looks fierce!

Even Roslyn is happy when she gets to sleep!


More Sunbeams, and a tiny blue eye!

Oona loves her toys a little too much

I have also discovered Oona has the cutest feature evar: Belly freckles!

Once again... too much playing leads to collapsing!

And rolling in our sleep (Psst! Belly freckles!)

But, at the end of the day, it is all about the cuddles.



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Comment by Lynne Cerny on February 5, 2011 at 1:41pm
Thanks for the picture update.  So glad that they are getting along!  Love the belly freckles!
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 5, 2011 at 10:12am
They are both must be having sooooooo much fun. Love the Leonberger....tooo bad they have such a short lifespan:(
Comment by Beth on February 5, 2011 at 9:00am
There is a Leonberger in our therapy dog group. I never heard of them before I met her. She is gorgeous. Unfortunately, she has cancer at the age of around 2 years old and my understanding is cancer is very common in that breed. I believe it's a treatable sort.

Oona is SO cute and Rosalyn is adorable. The more I see Oona, the more I think cattle dog/Blue Heeler is the dad, but it's so hard to tell when they are that little.
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on February 5, 2011 at 8:48am
awww thats adorable! i just love the belly freckles and how they share the same sun beam lol:). but u actually wont believe this, me and my husband are looking into getting a Leonberger! lol we know all about them and my hubby really wants to get one. we seen one at a dog park once and after doing a ton of research we believe they are right for us. we know they are BIG dogs so we are going to make sure the timing is right when we are ready to bring ours home. i cant believe u mentioned it! lol
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 5, 2011 at 8:25am
soooo cute :)
Comment by Bev Levy on February 5, 2011 at 7:59am
Awww they are adorable!

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