I am not always a Victoria Stillwell fan but happened to have it on today and she said something so true I had to repeat it. "Your dog is fat because you overfeed it" So simple but hard to hear since our corgis are so good at playing the starving puppy!

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Comment by Tegan, Carol & John on October 15, 2010 at 10:07pm
I've become obsessed with weighing Tegan every time we go to Pet Club (they have the nifty big scale). It's been fun watching her grow, but she has her first birthday next week, so now I'll be using it to monitor her weight. She gets a ton of exercise, but after reading so much about overweight corgis, I'm definitely going to be vigilant, I have the "husband issue" too. He's such a softy & is convinced that she is starving and needs more treats. I have to monitor both of them!
Comment by Rachael & Waffle on October 15, 2010 at 3:10pm
Waffle WILL NOT gain weight. I try to feed him his food and he won't eat! Or only eats half of what I give him, which is only half of what he eats at his breeder's. It's crazy. I even bought frozen green beans in anticipation of him becoming a Fatty McFat Fat and I ended up eating them because I needed a side dish to go with my chicken. Haha.
Comment by Carla on October 15, 2010 at 2:34pm
@Bev Levy - You and me both! My husband and I have complete opposing views when it comes to all things dog-related. I am the disciplinarian; he wants her to get away with everything. I stress regular physical exercise (for both us and the dog), he thinks sitting on the couch and tossing a toy for 5 minutes is enough. I am VIGILANT when he feeds her that she receives only 3 scoops (3/4 of a cup) and no more (and LEVEL scoops, no over-filling). He is convinced she is starving all the time. I tell him that she would be "starving" if I gave her 10 cups of food a day, and that it's our responsibility to keep her healthy.

But he grew up with an obese lab who received no exercise and way too much food, so he's got a very warped sense of what's appropriate and healthy for a dog.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 15, 2010 at 1:50pm
Lol John, I think Al is too smart!
Beth, It is difficult with cats and I think rescues frequently tend to overeat. I put a measured amount in their bowl each morning and that is it. Otherwise I think my two would be fat.
I had to really impress upon my husband that if he wanted them to live a long, healthy life that he could not feed them everything they wanted. I find that their level of starving antics is the same whether they have just eaten or not!
Comment by John Wolff on October 15, 2010 at 1:21pm
Be ruthless with both dogs and indulgent people. Yes, they will be waiting for you at the bridge beside St. Peter -- "Yes, Mr. Peter, that's him. That's the man who starved us our entire lives...." -- but even corgis who've been obese their entire lives will be doing the same thing. Have you ever seen a fat corgi who wasn't starving? Fat or slim, they'll be hungry.
Keep treats tiny. I keep match-head sized treats in a small screw-cap bottle in the fanny pack. The speed of the reward is more important than the size.
I think exercise is an appetite suppressant, too. Get 'em out chasing things.
Don't let them spend too much time on the computer, either. Al was playing World of Warcraft all day long before I got wise and changed my password.
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on October 15, 2010 at 12:32pm
i dont ever buy the cute corgi who thinks hes starving even with his pleading eyes lol i do what i have to do to keep him healthy and teddy now actually gets more veggies as treats so i can avoid the overweight problem. he weighs 25pounds and gets lots of exercise. he does get the zukes hip action treat once a day but however if he is a super good boy on walks or other places that we go he gets some yummy biscuits from wellness:)
Comment by Nicola Porter on October 15, 2010 at 12:26pm
Buttered toast with jam, how funny. Like a little toddler with its breakkie.
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on October 15, 2010 at 12:21pm
My father is terrible when it comes to giving food and treats. He always used to say to my mom about Algy, "You don't know what it's like to be hungry all of the time." He is going good with Rainy though, and she gets to go on her nightly walks. My Aunt used to have a Lab that was 30 pounds or so overweight because she couldn't give up her buttered toast with Jam every morning.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on October 15, 2010 at 12:21pm
I totally agree! I used to way over-feed Seanna. She gets only 1/4 cup twice a day now, and I guess I always felt sorry for her, 'cause it's literally, like only 8 pieces of kibble. But it's worked to get her weight down, and I never knew how much I was over-feeding her until I joined this site!
Comment by David on October 15, 2010 at 12:15pm
It is amazing that how fast that dogs' weigh reacts to the increase and decrease in their feed. I wish my weigh reacts that fast to my diet!

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