Finally getting allergy tested!!!....any last minute advise?

So in my last blog posts I wrote about my corgi Dax, who has had terrible allergic reactions to who-knows-what over the last couple of years. This last August/September was the worst it had ever been. Dax had been on multiple allergy medications (both holistic and regular veterinary medications) and the only thing that had seemed to give him any relief from his constant itching was a double-dose of prednisone. I even had him shaved so that I could attempt some topical meds (which didn't even help the poor little man!) Well, it's been a few months and his hair is pretty much back to normal, however the little guy is still super itchy. So I decided, with no other options, to go ahead and give the allergy testing a try. I found a great Dermatological Vet out near Aurora, CO. They're based out of Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado (VRCC). I've heard great things about them from many of my customers. Daxter has his initial exam on Valentine's Day, and I couldn't be more excited/nervous about the whole thing. Hopefully, if everything looks good, he'll be able to go ahead and get tested that same day, and pending the results, we should be able to start him on some allergy shots that night!!! The poor guy has been off the prednisone for 3 weeks now, and he's okay, still just as itchy as ever. Only 3 weeks more until he begins his journey towards complete relief (I hope!)! Thanks to everyone for your advise in the past, and I'll keep you updated on how his immunotherapy (allergy shots) are going. And if anyone has any last minute advise, I would love to hear it!! Thanks again! Sam & Daxter

Before 2x the dose of prednisone....

After 2x the dose of prednisone (about 1 week later)....

A little over a month later......

And about 2 months after that (a couple weeks ago)....

Unfortunately, he is going to have to have his rib cage shaved again for the testing, but now that I know it will take only a couple of months to grow back, i'm not that upset, especially when it's for a good cause! just look at that face!


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Comment by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on January 26, 2011 at 12:06pm
It's very possible that he's allergic to grass. We live in Colorado, and it's very dry here and can also be pretty windy, and there are many different wild plants and trees. I wouldn't be surprised if the list of things he's allergic to is a couple pages long. :P
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on January 26, 2011 at 9:32am
aww such a happy pup:) i have a thought though. is he allergic to grass? i have meet a ton of dogs who are and their owners went crazy for years trying to figure out what it was
Comment by Bev Levy on January 25, 2011 at 3:07pm
The allergy shots consist of a dose of the things they test highly allergic to in a lesser amount. It helps build up the resistance to things in their environment. Sparty turned out to be highly allergic to grass, fleas,house dust, thistle, dandelions etc the list was very long. I was told that the shots help about 80% of dogs. It is an under the skin shot and easy to administer. Sparty went from an itchy, bleeding mess to perfectly fine in a very short time. Occasionally in the late summer or fall we still need to supplement with Pred. but that is all. Food may be the most common problem but once you have exhausted checking that the testing really can work. Much less harmful than long term prednisone use.
Comment by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on January 25, 2011 at 2:20pm

@Peggy Woods: Yes I have tried pretty much every dog food imaginable. He's on Acana Grassland w/Primal raw mixed in at the moment, and he's been doing well on it. He hasn't had any stomach upset since he was a puppy, and certain foods never really caused any reacrtions (even though I thought it was food allergies for the longest time). I believe his allergies are mostly seasonal.

@Jennifer Markley: He eats out of a ceramic bowl, which I heard is okay. My friend's cat had severe reactions from his food bowl (which was plastic). He had "cat acne" all over his chin. She had to ditch the plastic bowl for a metal one, and he has been fine ever since. Dax has never had any reactions on his face, just his body

Comment by Jennifer Markley on January 25, 2011 at 12:26pm
You know, this is a long shot, but do you feed him out of a stainless steel bowl?  Years ago, (16+), my husband had a cat that had horrible allergies--he would scratch and bite so much he had nasty, horrible scabs and weeping sores all over him.  I hated to pet him because it was so gross.  He'd been on every medicine known to man, and was on a constant dose of prednisone--for years--which really made no difference.  Then one day I read in a magazine how you should feed them out of stainless steel bowls as some pets react to chemicals in other bowls.  We switched him immediately, and guess what?  Cured.  Never had another problem.  All the scabs and sores went away, and he lived a normal, healthy, happy life after years of misery.
Comment by Peggy Woods on January 25, 2011 at 10:54am

THAT is a happy corgi face! Hope he doesn't have to have too many injections.

Have you tried a grain-free diet? but then you are probably already there...

Good luck to you Dax! Hope you get to come up here & play with Bugsy some day ^,,^

Comment by Sam Tsang on January 25, 2011 at 9:36am
When your immune system is compromised, you're more susceptible to allergic reaction. Sometimes only temporary, sometimes for life, so keep that in mind. Even human allergy testing is not 100% accurate, some allergies can be overcome.
Comment by Bev Levy on January 25, 2011 at 7:57am
We did this with Sparty about 8 years ago and it has made his life livable.  Prior to the testing we did not see any chance of him living without massive doses of pred. which causes all kinds of problems. He still about once or twice a year needs it but otherwise does great. He was highly allergic to just about everything so we were never sorry we had him tested. Hopefully the shots (which are easy to give ) will help your guy as much as they have helped Sparty.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 25, 2011 at 12:32am
what a gorgeous, happy face! Dax is going to feel better soon and it's going to make you so happy :)
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 24, 2011 at 11:12pm
Beautiful smile! Good luck to both of you:)

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