I was talking to friend, a vet., yesterday, he claimed that there was an additional historical use for a Corgi!

He told me that Corgis were used to herd rats back onto ships bound for the Continent during an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in seventeenth century London.

Has anyone heard of this before, was there any historical reference for this claim? Or my pal is just joking with me?

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Comment by Deanna on November 9, 2009 at 8:30pm
Hi, David! Herding rats could very well have been a "use" for Corgis several hundred years ago. I had a mice problem a while back and Topaz was very adept at catching one in her mouth. So who knows? I may be true. When I get some free time I'd really like to research that.
Comment by Potus on August 18, 2009 at 2:59am
If so then Potus is doing a terrible job of living up to his heritage. We think there may be rats nearby (in someones shed maybe) and he never seems to care. But then again until only last week he had never shown an interest in cats...
Comment by Melisse Fowler on August 10, 2009 at 9:59am
Me & my brother Teddy, and the neighbor Westie - Snickers........we all dig for field mice in Snickers' yard. We've got like 20 holes back there, and I'm real surprised Snickers' mom and dad haven't gotten mad at us. some day their tractor is gonna fall in! Sometimes our entire faces get covered in dirt and mud.......it's soooo fun. ~Coco
Comment by Corky & Archie on August 9, 2009 at 5:54pm
Corky (with tail) herds lizards in our backyard! Neighborhood cats know better than to place paw in our yard or on our fence, but those pesky lizards must be caught and taught...
Lizards, rats, why not?
Comment by Cindi on August 9, 2009 at 5:44pm
Maybe corgis invented "whack-a-mole"
Comment by Ziska Childs on August 9, 2009 at 4:40pm
"Herding"- not so much- hunting and killing- well Jinksy was a star ratter for mice and ground squirrels. When he was a pup he would bring them to me- live. "Good boy Jinks, Thanks Jinks (where's my glass jar JInks?)" After a ground squirrel fought back he decided no more Mr. Nice guy and would dispatch them promptly. He would wait for hours by one of their holes in the ground being stealthy quiet and wait till they popped their little squirrely heads above ground- then boom.

Gingin the puppy mill rescue was also adept although she didn't employ any subtlety. The first day on the ranch- 3 ground squirrels met their maker.

The Duffmeister- well he's very interested and he can spot/smell them but he just hasn't figured out the digging part yet. Duff knows there is something there but just hasn't figured out what yet. I really shouldn't say that- I found a dead mouse in the barn the other day and I doubt that the Pulik had anything to do with it's demise.
Comment by Derek on August 9, 2009 at 4:08pm
My corgi found a mole this winter. She kept following it around and kissing it. I thought she was licking the snow until the poor little guy made a jump into the bushes. If they did use corgi's for herding rats, I hope they had a different work ethic than my little girl. She would invite the rats in, offer them tea, and put on a movie. She is a VERY loving dog. She still checks the yard in the general area for her little freind. lol
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 9, 2009 at 1:13pm
I looked up corgis herding rats and it does say that they are great farm dogs for rats so....I believe this may be very true...
Comment by Diana Z. on August 9, 2009 at 12:59pm
Seems a little far fetched, but I believe it! People used dogs for all sorts of weird things. Astro apparently didn't inherit the "herding gene", as he won't really chase after much of anything. :(
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 9, 2009 at 12:12pm
I would think if they were ratters on farms they could sure do this. Wynn is very good at herding chickens and the others do chase mice but also "throw" them...they're smaller(ok short) so they could get in places to chase them out...makes sense to me that they would do this.

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