We just got home a little while ago with Buddy. The Vet is about an hour away from our house, so Buddy was a little uncomfortable but he's doing pretty good considering the long drive. I tried to get him to go potty when we got home, but no dice. I carried him up the stairs and into the house and he pr
etty much has stayed where I left him. He drank a bowl full of water, but isn't very interested in food yet. I finally got him to lay down and I rolled him on his back, this is his favorite sleeping/relaxing position, and have spent the last 15min giving him a soft belly rub and he seems to be taking a little nap now. I am currently on the floor with him using my laptop because I don't want to disturb him lol.

Right now it seems that its going to be Buddy vs. The Cone. Like I said he hasn't moved much since we got home, he seems to not want to lift his head up high enough to pick the cone off the floor.

It was a stressful day, and our house certainly didn't feel like a home without our little furbaby running around. We are just glad to have him back and are hoping for a speedy recovery.

Thank you all for your support in Kevin's last post.


I spared you the icky part :)

Update: We took the cone off and got a good poo and pee and now he's eating a little bit..

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Comment by Don on March 3, 2011 at 2:59am

Whispers to Buddy "Just remember the longer the cone is on, the more treats you get...Oh, and the sad puppy dog face with a little whimper thrown in gets you extra treats and sometimes a belly rub."

I'm sure he will be just fine, he looks like a trooper and will pull right thru.

Just don't tell Jazmin about this, she is already a brat enough about the shots today. Can't imagine what will come of her when she finds out what spaying is all about. 

Comment by Bev Levy on July 24, 2010 at 3:48pm
Cones are no fun. We call it the lampshade but it doesn't make the dog feel any better although it makes us laugh!
Comment by Tris & Jeanne on July 24, 2010 at 1:38pm
Fox to Buddy: "Just say NO to the Cone Zone. Rip it off! Eat it if you have to! PS You'll feel better in a few days. Work it while you can though - your humans OWE you steak bits and chicken...... Good Luck Buddy!"
Comment by Kevin and Buddy! on July 24, 2010 at 12:52pm
Yeah we left the cone on overnight of course since he has tried to lick his wounds a couple times when the cone has been off... When we can watch him 100% we take the cone off, but if we can't watch him we leave it on. He is starting to get a little used to it but it is taking some time. He seems to have slept well, but he is a little whiny today. I'm sure its going to start to itch so he will probably spend a little extra time with the cone on today :).

Every time I put the cone back on he just sits there for a minute and gives me the most pathetic sad puppy face I have ever seen. After sulking he usually just lays down and goes to sleep. When the cone comes off I am his most favorite person in the world!
Comment by Edward and Gemima on July 24, 2010 at 12:18pm
glad it's going OK....we didn't mess with using the cone too much, both Ed and Gem left their incisions alone with a little LEAVE IT and we were home with them most of the time so it was OK.
Comment by EMILY T MARSCHOK on July 23, 2010 at 8:38pm
glad he s home...it ll be just a blip soon :)
Comment by Jane Christensen on July 23, 2010 at 7:19pm
He looks like he's wondering how long he'll have to wear the huge cone too! In a few days he'll forget about it all! Good luck Buddy!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on July 23, 2010 at 6:40pm
Heal real fast Buddy!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 23, 2010 at 6:25pm
Aw Orion is home from the vet today from his neuter and he's pretty much been sitting all over me since we got home :) Hope Buddy recovers quickly and doesn't have to keep the cone on too long

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