This morning at 8:30, I woke up to Lance throwing up.  I was thinking probably due to an empty stomach, since he had not eaten his breakfast yet. The consitency was foamy.  He also had a lot of mucous in it as well at other times. 


I gave him a handful of food, but he couldn't keep that down either.  Its now 10:40 and is still getting sick.  I spoke with the vet and have a 1:45 appointment for Lance to see him. No food or water per vets instructions till we see him this afternoon. 


As I was speaking to my husband over the phone, he said that he had put fertilizer down on the grass yesterday and had Lance outside yesterday off lead.  He thinks he ate a bit of grass.  :(  He feels really bad, that he completely forgot about the fertilizer down and having him off lead.  Normally if the grass is fertilized, he is not off lead.  The area that the lead reaches, does not get fertilized at all. 


Lance may have eaten a small amount of grass, hopefully that wouldn't be enough to do any kind of damage.  He did sneak over into the neighbors yard to see their coonhound, while my husband was standing at the fence talking with the neighbor.


He was due to be seen for a follow up this Thursday and was hoping to reduce the amount of steroid he is on.    Hoping this isn't anything major. 




Lance got two shots of anti nasuea meds while at the vet and also was sent home with anti nausea pills, Metronidazole.  1/2 tablet with food twice a day.  He is to be introduced to water and food very slowly starting at 5:00 today.  If he keeps down the water we can give him a 1/2 tablespoon to a tablespoon of wet food.  Again at 7-8 pm, repeat. 


Tommorrow he gets three small meals again small amounts of water at a time. 


He did very well with the first shot, but for some reason jumped a bit for the second one, catching the vet and I off guard. He has never jumped for any of his shots.  The vet was going to wait and give the second dose another time, but then decided to go ahead and give the second shot and Lance did fine.  Maybe he got too close to the first spot he gave the shot.  I felt bad for the vet, and apologized, since  Lance hasn't done that before, it was embarassing. He just jumped, no growling or snapping, phew.  good boy. 


The steroids will be cut back, every other day he gets a half dose and then the other days he gets a full dose.  Here is hoping the the hematomas do not come back.  His right ear had a very slight amount of fluid, not even enough to drain even.  Fingers crossed.   '


Lance has lost 3 pounds in three weeks, yikes :O  The vet upped his food intake to a cup twice a day, so hopefully he will start putting weight back on.  He was at 26 pounds and is now at 23.   Not a good sign, and hopefully not a sign that anything else is wrong.  The vet says that initially they can loose weight when on steroids, but then do bulk up. 


Heres hoping hes on the road to recovery and doesn't have too many more vet visits.  We have another follow up visit Monday evening.  I have jury duty Friday, which means Lance has a long day by himself, not too excited about that.  One day at a new motto.  


Page 4 or about, has two pictures of Lance plotting to get his own drink of water.  Vet orders, to give little water at a time, but Lance doesn't agree.  It gave me a pretty big laugh, what a goof ball.  :)






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Thank You!! :)


Oh, poor Lance!  I feel so bad for him (and you!), yet I can't help but to laugh at his expression as he stares at that sink.  So close, yet so far away!  I hope he's feeling better soon.
Thanks!! Yeah, his expression cracked me up too, although after looking at the pic, maybe hes wanting to clean the smudge off the mirror, loll  nah, he wants water.
Thanks for the pictures!  Lance is still as handsome as ever.  I was going to let you know that the same thing happened around here a few months ago.  I was gone all day and came home to no fewer than 14 vomit spots!!  I didn't even know which dog had been sick.  Whomever it was seemed recovered enough that we didn't go to the vet.  The offending spots were foamy and mucusy.  I ended up getting the big carpet cleaner out because it was so slippery to pick up.  I too think it was contaminated grass.  YUCK!  I am glad that Lance's other medical problems are abating.  Wonderful news!
Your Welcome, I figured I needed proof.  :)  Glad all is well with your corgis now.  Carpet cleaners are awesome, I know we have gotten plenty of use out of ours recently.
Sparky is sending healing wishes to Lance.
Thank You!!

Fingers, paws, scales and claws all crossed here for Lance to get better and y'all can get back to a normal life (as normal as life can be with corgis, anyways...)

Thanks so much Ellen, just got done talking to the vet a little over an hour ago about getting him back on his regular food schedule since he is doing well from that ordeal now.  Just got done petting him, minutes ago, when I noticed the hematomas, seem like they are coming back and the skin is really flaky.  Waiting for the vet to call back.  He just got done telling me that if they started coming back, than there is something else going on and the predisone, was just keeping it at bay.  :(  I agree, I wish things could get back to normal.  Thanks for commenting.
oh gosh.  We are wishing you good things from the vet.  I know it's a lot to keep us posted, when you're probably worn to a frazzle, but let us know when you have time.

Thanks Susan!!  Lance will have to go get his ears drained tommorrow hopefully, otherwise sometime this week.  The vet upped the amount of food he is on to a cup of food twice a day, since he is down to 23 pounds, and the last visit which wasn't too long ago, he was 26 pounds.  He may end up taking an ultrasound of his intenstines, to see if its being affected by the auto immune issues and may even have to do a scope, cant think of the right medical term right now.  


Hopefully by his August 1st vet appointment, he will have put some weight back on.  And if we don't have enough going on, noticed a gash on Tuckers face earlier today.  I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and neosporin hoping that it will clear up nicely on its own. The only thing I can think of that maybe happened is that Lance got his face, when Tucker came barreling straight for him to play, and Lances ears are in pain and in no mood to play.  :(  I heard Lance make some not so nice noises, but never heard Tucker whimper, so that is why I am puzzled.  It all happened so fast, that I didn't have time to even do anything.  I hate not knowing exactly what happened and having to guess.  They have been doing great together, and no signs after all the noise between the two.  I'm surprised I wouldn't haven't seen the gash then??


All these bills are adding up awfully quick..and not really sure how many more we have coming up, but as a guess, quite a few.   I need to go play the lottery!!!  i appreciate your interest in this post.  I feel like a broken record with all these posts and yes frazzled!   Oh yeah, and if Im not frazzled enough, I got picked to be on a jury and it doesn't sound like a short one!!  Thanks for listening to my babble!!!


Good luck Natalie and Lance. I know what you mean about the lottery. Misty has to have a surgery to remove a couple cysts on her chest and my husband is pretty unhappy with me because he was opposed to keeping her when our son left. If its not one thing it is another!


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