About a month ago Luke started limping on a back leg on a Thursday or Friday afternoon. It didn't seem like an emergency so we decided to keep him on limited activity for the weekend and see if he improved. Well by Monday he was MUCH better, barely limping at all, and within a week he seemed totally fine so we assumed it was just a pulled muscle or a strain. Well now this past weekend he's started favoring that leg again. He's not really actively limping on it but he struggles to put weight on it when he first gets up. Then last night he started limping on a front leg too. Argh! 


The next available appointment isn't until tomorrow and I can't stand the waiting. I'm so afraid he has a torn ACL or something like that. We took him to his beginner agility class after he seemed to be healed up and I will feel absolutely awful if there was something wrong this whole time. :(  He never showed any sign of a limp during the class but I know dogs can hide pain well. Ugh. I don't know where I'm going with this post but I just feel so terrible for my little guy. :(

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Glad to hear it isn't anything major.  Big sigh of relief. Hopefully the anti-inflammatories and limited activity will bring him back around to feeling better soon!!  Rest up Luke, so you can get better, it will be worth it in the long run.  :)


Thumbs up!
So happy for you all:)
Glad to hear that every thing looked OK.  The hard part comes now, trying to keep a corgi on limited activity!!!!!!


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