My little guy is 2 years old. Right now we are pretty regularly getting a 1 hour/3 mile walk daily. I can definitely tell if I miss a few days, since he starts being a brat and being super bossy to the other household dogs. :P


I am wondering if I should step up the length or frequency of our walks. I want him happy and tired, but not overtaxed! What kind of walking schedule makes your dogs the happiest?


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I usually take Seanna on a 1 mile jog/stop and sniff trek as much as I can.  Once a day at the most, and she's happy with that.  But she also wears off a lot of energy playing with Jackson and Sage.
I'd say we usually go about a mile a day, plus lots of playing in the backyard whenever they want. Friday afternoons we try to make it to a group play date, and on the weekends we usually go to the dog park for at least an hour.
Hi Meg, if it takes you 1 hr to walk 3 miles, you can really step it up, you should be able to walk  15 min / miles, or jog 10-11 min / mile. Recommit to walk him daily rain or shine, it'll change his attitude drastically.

1.5 mi, 30-45min mornings.  Longer or similar walk evenings, or shorter walk with lots of fast soccer ball play at the playfield.

Don't worry about overtaxing as long as he's used to it.  If you're only used to running 1 mi., you'll be overtaxed if you run 10.  Build gradually, take it easy after slumps.

Can't outwalk a corgi.  Try it.  It's good for you.

8.5 y.o. Gwynnie, 20 lbs., much slower than Al the Animal, did 9 mi. RT with 4000' up and back down last Sunday.  Not a challenge.

Franklin gets 1 to1.5 hours of off leash play time everyday, mostly fetch/swimming. He also gets a really short walk (10-15 min) morning and night. We go out around 11-12 each day so by the time 7 or 8 pm hits he's ready to go again so we will either play a game of chase in the house or I'll take him for a short fetch session outside. He's pretty good at letting me know when he's ready to play, I'm sure your guy will let you know too! We used to take a 1 1/2 mile walk each day with some fetch along the walk but I've found that leash walks do practically nothing for Franklin. He needs to run run run and swim swim swim to burn off his energy.

Just short of 2 miles; it used to be about three times a week, but since I'm between jobs right now, we've been doing it every day. It's a very hilly course, we go uphill first and on the way home it's a nice downhill.


It takes us 35 - 40 minutes. He takes lots of time to sniff though :)

I'm not getting very many hours at my job right now. Sucks for the bank account... but more free time does make for a very happy dog! Haha!
I am wondering how to overtax my corgi. We walk about 2-3 miles a day during the week and then up it on the weekend.  We have been doing up to 9-10 mile hikes on the weekend and I would think that would wear a corgi out.  But don't let those little legs fool you.  By the time we get home he is ready to go again.  He is only limited by what I can do and his trusty long-legged sherpa (who would rather be on the couch).
I wouldn't really worry about overtaxing him. Some days we go on a 2mile walk, then others I just take him to the lake to play and swim for 4hrs. There has been times when we lived in DC and we went on 5-13mile walks around the city. For all I know it could have been more! :) and he still wanted to play when we got home. The only time he ever got super tired was the day we did therapy work at all the museums. I think it was so much mental stimulation that is what really wore him out
Frequency maybe, but I think the length is pretty good.  3 miles would be fine for most dogs.
If he's used to daily walks he'll definitely let you know if you miss a few days!  Other than that, what you're doing is great.  He can do as much as you feel comfortable and enjoy doing yourself, provided it's not overly hot.
It is impossible to overtax a young Corgi.  I take Yoda on 10mi+ hike all the time and he out paces me every step of the way.  Even Chewie, our other lazier Corgi, can walk 5 mi regularly.  So just walk at a brisk pace until you are tired and happy!


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