I've been thinking for the past 6 months or so about adding a corgi to my family. I currently have a 2.5 yr old Pembroke male, who has just been the best dog I could ever ask for. I'm more interested in getting an older dog, rather than a puppy, as I know they have a harder time finding homes. Looking around the internet one day I found a craigslist add for a male Cardigan, about 5 years old. He is a beautiful dog. The owner mentioned that she had shown him in the past (so I assume he isn't fixed) but my dog is, and if I were to get this dog I would certainly fix him, I'm not interested in showing my dogs. Will having two males be an issue? I heard if you wanted to have 2 male dogs that they needed to grow up together, how true is this? I'm just not sure how corgis are when it comes to dominance. Any help is appreciated!

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My Johann is also an only child and I have been wondering the same thing for him (not now, but when he's older).  I think it would probably be OK, but I advise going to the person's house first with your Pem to see if they get along well, if the owner is OK with that.  If you decide to get him, I would take your Pem with you to pick him up so that they can be in the car together... and maybe he won't freak out as much when the new Cardi comes into -his- house.

I have two neutered males and they get along fine. You could always ask to bring your dog with for a visit and see how they get along.


I should add that most cardigan breeders are really particular with their dogs, and will have contracts requiring a buyer to return the dog to them if they can no longer keep it for any reason. It might be a good idea to ask what kennel the dog is originally from because some breeders can and will go to court to get their dogs back.

Hi Anna, it all comes down to the dog's personality and your handling ability, with that in mind, having 2 males is not an issue. Testicles are not the root of evil, the % in altered behaviour post neuter is less than a coin toss (4X%). No, the male dogs do not need to grow up together, personality makes a huge difference. Try this FAQ
We have a 2 2/2 year old male pembroke, Divot, that we rescued.  3 weeks ago we started fostering a 7 1/2 year old male, Bubba.  The 2 get along great.  The first week they kind of felt each other out, but now they play and interact fine.  They are not even food aggressive, which isn't always so with corgis.  They do have separate crates for when we are not home.  This is our first time fostering and don't know if we will be able to let Bubba go.  We are campers and our first trip is in 2 weeks.  If Bubba enjoys camping like Divot does I think we will have 2 camping corgis.  Al

Depends on the dogs, which is true of two females as well, and it depends on the handling skills of the people.    I would NOT go with yours in to the other dog's house or yard at first, as dogs can be more territorial in their own area.  I would choose a neutral place where you and the other person can meet and go, with the dogs on leash, for a nice leisurely walk, at least 15 minutes, more better.  This can be in either your neighborhood, or the other person's. .  Once the initial excitement goes away and it looks like they have accepted each other (no overt animosity) then I'd try them in a backyard situation loose.  They will somewhat be tired from the walk and both entering the space at the same time on leash first.

If you then take the dog, be careful when you feed them and about leaving them alone unsupervised, until they are fully predictable.


One of the other posters had a good point about cardigans. They are very hard to come by so finding one on craigslist should raise a red flag. Ask the owner what kennel it was from and if there is a contract requiring the return of the dog if it needs to be re-homed. If she is showing the dog she likely has a really strict contract with the breeder. I have mixed feelings about the first meet with the two dogs. On the one hand I think it would be great for you to go to his house and meet there on his territory and see how he reacts because then you can better judge his behavior, is he territorial? will he be aggressive and protective of his home? Or is he a laid back mellow guy who likes company? It will also be a good way to judge how in control his current owner is of him, a dog with a strong leader will not act aggressively when another dog enters his home because it isn't HIS home, its his leader's home. On the other hand, if your dog isn't super friendly or takes a while to warm up to another dog, it may be better to take them to neutral ground so both dogs feel more relaxed.

I've read a lot about a female and a male being the best combo with male and male being the second best and two females being the hardest. I've had 2 males (not corgis though) for the last 10+ years and we never had any issues. Like Sam said, it just depends on the personalities of both dogs.

I also agree with others that it does depend on the personalities of the dogs.  If you have a more dominant dog, getting another dog that is dominant most likely wont work out.


When we rescued Tucker, we brought Lance to the shelter to meet him, to see how they would interact.  After that went well, we had Tucker come to the house, but before coming inside, we took a walk first.  After our walk they then played in the house and did really well.  I also had the concern of Lance being an only dog for almost 6 years, but luckily that wasn't an issue.


I definately recommend having the dog meet on neutral grounds first and then having them meet at a house after a walk. 


Cardigans are rare to find, definitely find out if there is a contract that requires him to be returned to the breeder before you adopt him, so you don't have to go through that later after you have adopted him.  Good Luck, keep us posted. 

Just to clarify, I never meant YOU could not go see the dog at his home, that is, of course a great first step. I simply addressed the issue of the two dogs meeting. And yes, Cardigans are hard to find, yet I got mine from a local shelter :-)


We've always had 3 corgis...always males. Currently, we have a 5, a 3 and 1.5 year old--all neutered.  The advice about going for a walk together is very good advice for introducing any dogs to one another.


One of my males is fairly dominant but they all play, sleep and eat side by side with no problems.  They all have bed privielges now, too, although each has started life sleeping in a crate for at least 6 months.  Even on the bed, they get along just fine.


There will be occasional VERY noisy wrestling matches or play fights so be prepared for a lot of noise!

We've always had male dogs. We have three, and they didn't grow up together. Chester was 10 when we brought Bruce (also 10) home, and the two old men were 12 when we brought Sidney home. They get along just fine with the very occasional snarking session.
I have 1 intact male and 2 neutered males...all is fine! Personality and training will play a part and I would seperate when gone till you know. I would not hesitate to have more than 1 male. Good luck finding a new dog:)
Thank you so much for all the replies, after talking to the owner he said he wasn't sure of any contractual obligation to the breeder, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'd hate to lose a dog after falling in love with it! I'm not too worried though, there are a few corgi rescues near by which I'm sure have dogs looking for homes! :)


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