I'm beginning to think my Sophie has a sensative stomach and I'm not sure what to feed her.  She will be 1 year old in July and has been on Blue Buffalo since I got her at 13 weeks.  Since I'll be transitioning to "grown up" food soon now is a good time to try something else, but I don't know what.  There are soooooooooooo many.  I'd love some advise from all of you with experience.

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We have one question about feed our Luna too. She is now 9 months old and today we start to mixed her puppy Blue Buffalo food with Blue Buffalo Wilderness Duck formula food. On the B.B. site recommended to feed small breeds once a day. We are feeding Luna twice a day now.
What is your recommendation to feed a corgi, please?
Thank you very much.


It's really up to you, as I know people who feed their dogs once a day and the dogs do just fine.  Personally, I prefer to feed mine 2-3 times per day.  Yuki is fully grown and gets 1 cup of Taste of the Wild per day, split into two feedings.  Ellie is still just a puppy and gets 1 1/2 cups of Taste of the Wild split into three feedings.


The way I see it, spreading out the feedings helps to reduce hunger.  Getting fed just once per day means that the other 23 hours are spent with no food (or maybe just a couple of treats.)  I know I wouldn't want to eat just once per day.  And corgis are definitely not small breed dogs.  ;)  They're considered large breed due to how they grow and develop, even though size-wise they would fit into the medium category.

I feed my three Livesmart which is a product by Smartpak canine. It's well reviewed and I use the chicken and brown rice kibble.  I feed each of them 1 cup a day, divided into 2 feedings. I like Smartpak because it's delivered ups once a month and comes in premeasured packets with the dogs names on each packet. Very high quality and very convenient.


The nice thing about Smartpak--and they have many choices esp. for puppies-- is that they will send you a 3 day sample for your dog to try.  My guys like the taste a lot.

We feed Iam's Lamb and Rice.  Reasonable price, easy to find, the dogs do fabulous on it.  Both have lots of energy, very healthy, good coats, great muscle tone and the vet is always pleased with how well they are doing.   It's got a nice moderate protein level and the first ingredient (and primary protein source) is lamb meal.  It also has calorie content similar to a lot of "diet" foods but with a better nutrition panel than the diet foods (which are often mostly cereals).   They both get around a cup a day total.


I do mix in stuff at dinner about 4 or 5 nights a week, rotating between any one of:  scrambled egg, plain yogurt, plain cottage cheese, canned salmon, canned sardines, canned mackeral, or if they are on limited rations green beans. 


I have one who seems to be bothered by chicken (loose poops) and so we stick with the lamb.  I've also read that virtually all lamb brought to the US comes from New Zealand, which is comforting.   And as I mentioned it's low-calorie, which I personally feel is important for Corgis (since most are on very restricted diets).

Hey Tina,


I had Johann on Blue Buffalo puppy formula too when he was like 8 weeks - 16 weeks.  I took him off of it because he kept scratching and biting at himself.  I went to a local specialty dog store and the lady working there told me to try Back to Basics.  It's a bit pricey, but if you get the "starter kit", it has coupons inside ;)  anyways, it's made from organ meat, which is what dogs go for first in the wild.  It's only got 7 ingredients and it's composed of 76% meat 24% veggie. no grains!  Blue Buffalo has grain in it, which is what I think he was allergic to... so Back to Basics has worked great for us.  If Sophie's tummy is sensitive (as many other Corgis' are), you might need to try to feed her a "more natural" food.  Back to Basics, Instinct, and All Natural are good brands.  I've also heard good things about Orijen and Royal Canin, but they're both really really expensive.  Good luck on your search- try to visit a local pet food store, sometimes they have more choices than the big stores (petco, petsmart)

We started to feed Luna with Blue Longevity for puppies, about 4 months than we switched to Puppy Lamb and she never had a problem. We also gave  her a real bones (lamb or beef) and she love them. Once a week we gave her a Blue Buffalo bone.

Now we mixed her Lamb puuppy food with adult Wilderness Duck formula and she love it too :) and she has no problems. Sometimes a gave her a spoon of yogurt (Seven Stars Farm).


My Kaida is turning 8 months this Saturday and we're currently feeding her Innova Adult, Large Bites and she loves it!  She waits so patiently for me to put the food in the cup and then watches me until I tell her to eat her breakfast then she'll snatch up a mouthful and trot into the living room to "taste test" then goes and devours the rest when she deems it a satisfactory meal. 


She's been through 3 types of food thus far (not including the food the breeder had her on to start out with), I started with Blue Buffalo Puppy and while she liked it, it gave her horrible gas, so we decided to try Natural Balance.. she liked it at first but was never enthusiastic about it.. after awhile she just stopped eating it all together.   She'd sniff the food and run from the bowl! Yeah, I knew something was wrong with that, haha.  We then decided to try Innova and so far it's going great!


It's really just about finding what's best for your dog.  What's good for others, may not be the best for your little girl, so just search until you find the perfect food for her! :)

I think you should try different things and research until you find what is right for your dog.  Every dog is a little different, so taking specific reccommendations on others' preferences might not be best.
Hi jennifer - thank you for your words of sympathy - I miss Tootsie so much. She also had digestive issues. I had to stick with a strict diet with no variances whatsoever. Diet was morning and night: 1/2 cup science diet dry, 1 tablespoon science id wet, 1 teaspoon of brown cow plain yogurt. Worked for Tootsie.... I think the Brown Cow yogurt has the most "health" factors associated with it...
Hope this helps..Patti


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