Hi Jane, all young pups will put up a fight with the leash / collar, it's heavy and dictates where they go. Don't chase him, he'll turn it into a game. Your best bet is to treat all training into a rewarding positive experience, take advantage of his love of food, have super yummy treats available and he'll do whatever you want. (almost).
Always make his crate the best place in the world, you can associate food, toys, gradually increase incrate time, when you can supervise him, leave the door open. Check the FAQ.
Thanks - all good advice.
For the crate, figure out what word you'll use to crate him up (I use "go to bed!" since that's when I crate mine, but many people use "kennel up" or something similar).
Toss a cookie in the back of the crate and as he runs in, say your command in a cheerful happy voice and then say "Yayyy!!!" and make a fuss. Keep doing this for a couple weeks and then start saying the word before you throw the treat and make him go in first.
Just be careful if you have a wire crate to put tape or something across the front; Jack was so enthusiastic about running in his that he caught a toe and hurt himself.
I used this to teach mine to go in their ex-pen and now when I haul the pen out of the basement if we need it, they both get so excited that they hover around until the door gets put in the proper position, then hop through it and stand there looking at me, grinning. It's actually kind of funny; they're like "Hey, going through this door thing makes Mom very happy. Here we are!!!" They'll do this even if they haven't seen the pen in months. Maddie especially is prone to randomly going into the pen or her crate and sitting there, looking at me hopefully.
The other thing you can do is when you are going to be leaving him in his crate, get him in there using the lure method I described, then give him a Kong or something similar with a little peanut butter or cream cheese on it. Put it in with him, close the door and walk away without a word. Make sure he only gets that yummy treat when he's locked up and he'll come to look forward to being put away.
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