i heard from several people that i should not bathe my dog often. How soon is "often"? is once a week OK?

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 I bathe my dogs only when needed which is at the most once every 6 months. Some people may bathe theirs every month but it's not a good idea to bathe too often. There are some discussions on this sight about bathing.
Once a week is way too often, you will strip the skin and coat of all its natural oils.  I would bathe the dog if it gets into something that requires a bath, not by the calendar....If the dog feels dirty to the touch, you can put a few drops of shampoo in a bucket of warm water, dip a small towel in it and squeeze it so it's just moist, than rub that through the fur.  Rinse towel and repeat as many times as needed.  This will get rid of any surface dirt, without depleting oils in the skin.
Sidney only gets a bath if he gets into something icky. Which isn't often, so he gets maybe 2 or 3 baths a year! I'm amazed at how he never really has that "dog" smell.
Boo, Gracie & Shasta go to the groomers every month or two. For them, that seems the perfect length of time between their baths. So far haven't had any problems with that time frame depleting their natural body oils. And the kids are 11, 4 & 3. 
Unless you really know what you're doing, I would say once a month at the most.  Some people who show dogs bathe their pets weekly around show times, but they know how to dilute the soaps and such so that it doesn't destroy the dogs' coats.  I usually time mine to be about 3-6 days after applying Frontline.  For some reason I can't stand the thought of that stuff being on the back of their necks` when I go to pet them.  Which is silly since it needs to be there to work, but...I guess we all have our quirks.  ;)
Dino gets in the tub every  six to eight weeks. He seems to like "Crazy Dog" shampoo.
I wouldn't bathe a corgi more than once a month. I don't think mine have had a bath since April...

I bathe only when:

1)  They roll in something dead and it sticks, and they stink.

2)  They get into some food somewhere and eat it, and it sticks.

3)  They roll in mud or dirty snow, and it sticks.

4)  They roll in poop, and it sticks and they stink.

5)  They just stink for some unknown reason.  (Pick any of the above).

Otherwise the blessing of corgis is that you can brush most dirt out of their fur.  If we do manage to go without them getting in to any of the above, we only bathe twice a year.  Spring and Fall.

Our schedule is pretty much like Jenn's. The last time we bath ours was back in spring, Mocha rolled in something stinky.


Anything more often than 14 days is too much. Once a week is definitely overkill and will dry out the skin / coat - causing irritation - depending on AC / heat setting at home.


The regular corgi coat is dirt resistance and quite low maintenance, it doesn't retain smell like other dogs. Try it, If you just got back from the beach, give it half a day to dry, the dirt will come right off from walking on grass. If he rolled in caked mud, just hose it off and let it dry. It's like clay mask :) no need to use shampoo!

So true,Sam.That great undercoat allows the dry mud/dirt to just brush out with just your hands,or by their rolling on something.Corgis always smell so good,except of course not if they roll in something stinky!!

My dog is the same!!

I have never give him a "bath" & he's almost 2 yr old. I've had to put him in the "bidet" when he gets his pants a little messy (kitchen sprayer or shower nozzle). Half the time during the summer all I had to do was throw a stick in the pond & he rinses himself off. He is a little poop-roller, but I can usually tidy him up with a baby wipe. Then brush him later & leave him outside to sun bathe & all is fresh & corgi-liscious!

He never has the "wet-dog" smell; he has a very pleasant warm-doggy smell. Part of that is diet controlled too...

I've had Griffin since March and he's only had two baths since then.   I use waterless dog shampoo for random "butt scrubs".


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