...his stomach is as tight a s a drum. He is a 3 year-old male, but looks pregnant. Labored movements. He looks so pitiful. He can't go up or down stairs. I have to carry him outside to do his business. Daily diarrhea. Still has appetite though (He's on Wellness Adult). The vet told us to get Zantax, and said to bring him in if he doesn't get better over the weekend, but I can't bare watch him suffer. I wish there was something I could do......

Anyone ran into this? 

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 Its so hard to look at his sweet face, and know that this horrible horrible disease is in him. There are no words to say how sorry i am that you had to get this terrible news. My heartfelt prayers are with Tod and you and your daughters. Love him as much as you can and cherish the time that you have with him. Corgi blessings to you. We are all hear for you.

I am so sorry that you received this sad news.  Love him and give him all his favorite things.

When our heart dog, Georgie, was diagnosed with cancer, we were just so distraught. I'm so sorry that you and your family have to face this...one thing that the vet told me that was very helpful was that when the time came to say goodbye, we'd know. She told us that Georgie would give us a look  and we'd know. That vet was right and that's the way things went for us.

sending you and your boy the best wishes possible. Please do know that the folks on this site understand how very difficult this is for all invovled.

This made me choke on my own words.

I'm really sorry for Tod and your daughters too, and you and your husband.

Nobody should have to deal with this:(

I'm so sorry to hear that Natalia :( No words can express my sorrow. Treasure your time together, you ARE Tod's WHOLE world.

I am so sorry for you and your family.  Treasure every minute of your time together.

ahhhhh Fudge and all the other rotten words I want to say to take away this families pain. I am so sorry you have to go through this. We love you Tod and you will never be alone.

I am so sorry for Tod and your family.  Sending Corgi hugs your way from Daisy and Poppy.

I am very sad to hear this, for you your family, and poor Tod.   Just 4 years old.

Although it's sad that your daughters have to face a death at such a young age, it is also an opportunity to learn how we do this.  We stick by our friends in good times and in bad, and we don't let them suffer when we can help it.  We try to use the time we have wisely.  You can point out to them that the things you're able to do now for Todd, you can do because a lot of people over the years have wanted to alleviate suffering badly enough to devote their lives to learning how to do it, and that we all have opportunities to make the world a better place, even though we can't do everything we'd like to.

It sounds like this is developing quickly, but I hope you still have some good times to add to your good life with this dog.

I feel for Tod and your family.  We lost or 12 year old boy "Rusty" on Dec. 11.  Cancer on his spleen.  He was a very sweet boy and thank goodness he was not sick for long.


Ruth,thank you for the input. So sorry to hear about Rusty...I have a question: is there a food I can feed Tod now that would be most beneficial for him in this state? He hasn't eaten his dog food (Wellness) in weeks. We've been feeding him plain foods, like rice and chicken. He vomits often...and he's loosing interest in rice......Thanks in advance.

Have you tried mixing in chicken broth?  Just some ideas...do they have him on medicine to help his stomach so he's not so nauseous/vomiting?  I hope they have him on pain meds also to keep him comfortable.  Really, at this point, I think I'd just find what he likes, what he'll eat, and let him have it.  Also, try to feed small amounts more frequently.  Your first clue when it's his time to say goodbye, is when he quits eating.  When he quits drinking, that's the day.  Unless he seems painful before then.  Everybody deserves to be comfortable in their final days, surrounded by loved ones, and to not die alone.  As much as I love chocolate, if someone tells me in my final days that I can't eat it, well...then just get it over with as soon as possible.  If you really think about it, him eating what he likes isn't going to hurt him at this point.  I'd rather have a quality of life than a quantity.  Just do what your heart tells you to do.  It will lead you down the right path.  *Hug*


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