Alternative for a corgi who loves to destroy (but also eat) cardboard tubes?

Hi everyone!

My 10 month old puppy LOVES being given a cardboard tube from the inside of a roll of bathroom tissue to tear to pieces.  It is one of his favorite things in the world; his eyes literally light up when I give him one, and he races off to tear it up with a passion seldom seen toward anything else.  Unfortunately he will also eat the saliva-soaked lumps of cardboard, which can't be good.  Lately I'll give him one and then take the pieces away after about 5 minutes, before they get wet enough that he wants to eat them, but this seems to spoil the fun a little.  Anyone found any good alternatives for their corgi who loves to tear paper products?!  He has Sams Yams and nylabones and stuff for chewing...his enthusiasm for the cardboard tubes seems to center not so much on the "chew" aspect but on the act of tearing it into a million pieces --and I can't think of a good substitute :)      

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I'm guessing the cardboard passes right through, though I wouldn't give tubes from any scented products, or bleached tubes.  Mine have been known to eat some cardboard on occasion.  I just wouldn't give them all the time.

Just my opinion.  There may be some bad effects I haven't thought of.

My corgi does that with cardboard boxes.  And I do that same thing as you as well.  It may spoil the fun, but imagine how fun the vet visit will be?  Better to be safe than sorry, imo!  

He also likes antler chews.       

I also gave Sparty cereal boxes when he was young. He is almost 13 now with no ill effects. I always picked up the pieces so he didn't have a lot of time to ingest it.

I tend to pick up the small pieces and leave the bigger ones around to shred.   We still give boxes on occasion as a special treat; both dogs love them.  

I would think a little bit of anything; cardboard, rocks, etc would pass through, but a lot could cause a blockage. Better a healthy, slightly disappointed corgi. You could try distracting him with play when you take the pieces away.

Give him a roll with the paper still on it.  On April 1st.


I would change the roll when he's not there, rather than encourage a habit that can mushroom to other paper products....

I used cardboard as a preferred alternative when Jack loved chewing wood as a puppy.   Nothing else would stop him, not even Bitter Apple, and the second I'd release him he'd run right back to chewing the baby gates.   I gave him cardboard, since it has a similar give under the teeth, and it stopped the wood-chewing.   It really depends on the dog--- I've had paper-shredders who were never voluntarily given paper.  But Jack, at least, never takes anything unless it's given to him.  He loves to chew cardboard but I can (and have) left cardboard boxes lying around countless times and he's never touched one unless I say "Do you want a box?  Here's a box, get your box!" in an excited tone.   Madison also likes to shred boxes but also won't take them.  She will occasionally pull something out of the bathroom garbage, but usually only if it smells a bit of food.


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