I didn't take a lot of puppy pictures, but I put this together to show how a RHT color changes. Do you have pics of your adult dog and their baby pictures to compare? And yes I let her get a little chubby. She is at a nice slim weight today. (we'll see about tomorrow)

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Oh wow that's the least white I've ever seen on a corgi! How interesting. I love the middle picture by the way, She looks like a little tail-less fox! :]

She definitely looks like a fox! The lack of white was part of why my son picked her out. That and the fact that she was the 'sassiest' one of the litter! LOL

I love the red. Sully is almost all white, or cream. Her markings show up a bit more when she sheds a lot or after a bath. Your pup looks like a very pretty fox. I like her toy too.

love the little white feet!

Snickmom, Great job! Great group! I love seeing the before and after photos. Choosing the before and after photos for Lucy and Ricky/Rafa will be right up there with selecting one calendar shot!

Clearly the tri pems change color more than the red and whites. I don't remember Snickers head being all red and white. I thought Snicker's head was colored more like R/R's, red, white and black. I've got to go back and look at your photos. Always a pleasure to go back to those photos. Fun play day! I'm so grateful to you for taking photos!

PS My mistake. Their coloring on their backs and legs are similar, but Snicker's head shots are all red and white. I wonder if Snickers and R/Rs coloring will continue to change. RR just turned 2.

Did you notice how much Snickers looks like Al? This is such a fabulous collection of pictures, it could go in the FAQ's- "What will my puppy look like when he/she grows up?"

Here is a picture of Snickers and R/R, Snickers to the left, Ricky/Rafa closer to the camera; they both have the black at the temple, and a fascination with treats. So now get us some baby pictures!

Teddy at 12 weeks, when I first met him.

Teddy at 16 weeks, his second day home.

Teddy at 2 years.

He hasn't changed much. Though he does have more black in his coat that you can only see up close.

Leena at 9 1/2 weeks.

and then... at 1 year

The evolution of Emma Lou! :)

Shippo as a puppy


Wow.  Shippo is stunning in the last picture!  Such a beautiful long coat!

Wow is correct!


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