I recently fullfilled my dream of getting a dog a little over 2 weeks ago and have spent every last dime I have to make him the happiest lil puppy he could be but for some reason he just does NOT show me any affection whatsoever.  I have never met a puppy that had no emotion, he won't come to me, wont wag his tail just does NOT like me.  I really need some advice, I don't want to go through all of this for a dog that is not a companion, but I also don't want to get rid of him.  Has anybody experienced this and had a positive outcome?

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The puppy needs to learn to love to be brushed, at least, to know that brushing is good thing.

Mine disliked it at the beginning. So, what I did was: take out the brushing tools first and then the treat container (so she knows the brush tools come with potential treats); Brush, or just touch the dog a bit if he really hates it, praise (first)and then give a treat.

At the begging, you might need to give a treat for every single touch, but as soon as he tolerates more, you could use praise only for 10% of touches(then 20%, 30%...), but still more treats than empty praise. You will see when he begins to like it. Mine is 8 months old and I am still using occasional treats for brushing (I think I would keep this way till she reaches 1 year old to settle the behavior). And she is very happy to see I bring out the brushing basket.

These little cute creatures do need a lot of education from us, and so do us:-)

Butters hated it at first too. I changed brushes three times before we worked it out. Stay calm and you will find he is getting closer to you every day

 Our Tenby is not a hands on lover. But he must be in the same room, he loves to argue with me when I say no. He will sit with me only when I have food and he never comes to bed with me, but in the morning he is at my feet.  I know he would die protecting me.

This is Tomahawk exactly. Whenever I have food, he is more than happy to rest his head on my lap and act as if he was bitten with a love bug. He won't sleep on the bed either but will jump up and nudge me in the morning and lay his head on my feet to tell that I need to get up and go outside with him.

Every dog is different, and each and every one has their own way of showing love for their special human.

I remember being so disappointed when Henry wasn't excited when I came home lol. It really upset me at the time. And with Luke, we seriously thought he was deaf for a while when he was a puppy. He wouldn't even glance over if you did the "puppy puppy puppy" in a squeaky voice, didn't care if you called him, didn't care where we were, etc. He didn't give a crap about us! But give it time, I promise he will come around. Not all dogs will be snuggle bugs but they show their affection in their own ways.

Give it time.  Be patient and positive toward him.  Reward him with praise and affection when he makes eye contact, wags his tail, or engages in play - but don't overwhelm him with it.  Find a particular toy or game that he seems to enjoy or show interest in and invite him to play it with you.  Then reward him and give affection.  Go for short walks with him every day and steadily increase your distance.  Walks are a good way to bond also.

I remember the day I knew Butters loved me back. Every day when I get home from work I open the door and all 4 of my babies run out. One day Butters turned back and butted his nose against my ankle before he ran to potty. He does it every time.

I've heard it takes at least a month for a dog's personality to show in a new home.  He's dazed.

They're different.  Gwynnie is a bit stand-offish -- she's always just barely within reach.  Al is a love-hog extrovert.  Gwynnie does not like being combed (I have to restrain her); for Al, it's a massage, he falls asleep. 

Find the stuff he loves to do; he will associate you with playtime.  Games, play fetch.  They love tennis balls, soccer ball.  And killing the vacuum.  Gwynnie loves to bite the water stream from the garden hose; Al is afraid of it. 


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