Juno's growing(4.5months) and he's growing out of some habits but growing into some new ones. BARKING! =.='

1) He barks at skateboards/skate boarders because it's so loud esp. when they come off of a trick. he just barks. i've scold him told him stop etc. but didn't help. I tried to get his attention to treat him when he's queit or pays attention to me instead..but he didn't. Even when they were far away doing tricks, he still barked at them. Not one bark but consistent few barks in a row together

2) He barks when other dogs bark now. Just the other day when we went on a walk. All the dogs who were barking were in their houses(couldn't be seen) Juno heard them bark and starting barking right back. Again i couldn't really stop him or get his attention but it was better than trying to get his attention w/ the skate boarders. Today I played dogs barking on my comp. from youtube and he started growling and barking. I try to keep his muzzle closed with little to no pressure to keep him from barking but even then he still barking "inside". LOL it's like us humans trying to talk with our mouth closed. Yeah....

Anyone have ideas why he's barking esp. at other dogs when they bark even if they're not in front of him or seen? how can i redirect these barking situations or get his attention to start the "barking/quiet" command? Not sure what would help. HIs bark is so loud that once he barks everyone stares. I don't really mind the skateboarding one since we won't run into much of those but barking at other dogs even when he can't see them is the one that i'm more concerned with. Is he talking to other dogs? lol

& a random question: is bird dropping bad for dogs? Juno had like two bird droppings today on his walk..he apparently think they're yummy. I think it was either seagull or pigeon dropping.

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Heyo :D I can see Juno is still being a lil turd about barking! If you're willing to commit to clicker training, then this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp_l9C1yT1g as well as the others in the serie (not bark around other dogs behind fences, not bark at scary objects/people) can really help. It does require you get to know a little bit about the method of clicker training, but it is SUPER easy and pays off SO much. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

As for bird poo, hah. Ace used to go crazy for it, like a kid and spun sugar. I think dogs eat some really disgusting things in their lives, and bird droppings are among them. I have no idea if it can cause an adverse reaction, though. Eventually, the pup does grow out of the need to put EVERYTHING in its mouth.... eventually. :D

yeah...eventually. lol I just hope to redirect his barking at dogs when they bark.

I would try taking treats along and when he barks say "look at me" when he stops and focuses on you then he gets a treat.

My dogs love our free range chicken poo...can't stop them from eating it...they have never gotten sick from it  but not sure if it's healthy for them.

I've tried to but he gets fixated on what ever it is that he's barking it's hard to get his attention. But I'll keep trying. I just tried it less than 5min ago and i told him "quiet" and treat. then he saw me holding treats at started barking at me to give it to him. =.='


PetSafe Deluxe Little Dog Bark Control Collar

This is the collar I use and it is fantastic! I call it "the good boy collar". I bought it because Milo would bark and run up/down the fence barking at the yippie dog next door. Beyond this being an issue while I was at home, he would do this while I wasn't home. This becomes a training challenge because he's barking when I'm not there and not getting corrected - and getting corrected when I am - inconsistency in any training doesn't work. This collar works and dogs figure out real quick that barking equals correction no matter what. The correction is slight at the first bark and increases for subsequent barks. My previous corgi would bark at the UPS man and door bells (even on TV). I never tried this collar on her and in hindsight, wish I had. Corgi's are smart and figure it out real quick. It is peace of mind I can't even describe. And to know that even when I'm not there, it's working - is peace of mind for the neighbors.

Hi Juno's mom, corgis are herding dogs, they bark when something is out of the ordinary, keep the cattle in order. It is normal for them to bark at the dog park and try to keep everyone in place.

You cannot keep corgis quiet by cupping your hands over their muzzle. Corgis are very food motivated, you'll need to use high power treats like real chicken, cheese, hot dog....etc. Say " watch me", as soon as he looks at you, reward him immediately. Good luck!

Any type of feces are perfect disease transporters, remember the bird flu?

My boy is pretty good about barking for the most part.  He barks at my cat and I need to stop that and he trys to attack the paper shredder (NOT SAFE) .  What is a good way to safely socialize pups with loud machines without scaring them?  Unfortunately I can not take him to puppy school because he is too sick for vaccines.

I habituated Ace with loud noises by walking past the source several times, treating generously. I was "lucky" when he arrived, for there was a TON of road work going on just outside my street. Ace walked past jackhammers, cement mixers, men yelling, etc. like a champ. I understand that your boy is sick at the moment so if you can find a way to use your speakers instead, that could work for a little while?

Speakers, noise coming from the comp doesn't work for Juno anymore haha. He has now realized that the noise isn't real or up close so he ignores it

Haha, what a crafty lil guy. :D

Has anyone tried a citronella bark collar? I bought one, but am unsure of how and when to use it. My beagle had a collar similar to Milo's and knew he could not bark while wearing the collar, but could when not wearing it. There are, after all, appropriate times to bark. But Lilli is very sensitive about her collar, so I wouldn't shock her with one. So I'm wondering about the citronella. I don't want to start out wrong and spoil the training!

Our boys are big barkers too, and moving temporarily into a smaller space with upstairs neighbors really exposed them to all sorts of new noises.  We have been renting single family homes the past two years, so they don't understand attached neighbors.  Every time someone made a noise upstairs, came in or out, sneezed, etc., they were barking their fool heads off (they were also getting aggressive with each other again).   This might be controversial, but we found that using the Cesar Milan "ssssttttt" at them works like a charm.  I think, like the clicker, it just gets their attention and redirects their focus.  It's the only thing that quiets them within a couple of barks, though.   They immediately stop barking and look to us for guidance and reassurance.  Then they get treats for being good boys :)


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