Has anyone acquired a Pembroke puppy from Immer Essen Farm in Athens, TN ?

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I'm not familiar with them.  Perhaps someone here is.

My first impression was that they seemed to have an awful lot of adult dogs, but perhaps not all of them are on site.   My second impression was they don't seem to be involved in dog sports.  However, they do have a farm.

On the other hand, it looks like they do all the relevant health tests.  And that's a good thing.  I was actually impressed with their testing, since you only usually see that in show kennels (or serious performance kennels). 

Thanks for your reply.   From looking at their website, which isn't very good quite frankly, they do seem to have a lot of their own dogs, but like you said, maybe not all of them are on site.  I too had a hard time determing if all the dogs they have pictures of are actually living with them or not.  Also, they have photos of dogs they don't breed anymore that were adopted by other people and families and I don't know how they could give them up after owning them for so long.   I actually find that kind of alarming. 

Anyway, the reason I asked is because I did a search for reviews of Immer Essen and a couple of the search results linked to MyCorgi.com member comments, albeit they were from a couple of years ago, but they recommended Immer Essen and another place called Sua Mah Corgis/Judy Hart - 13132 GeorgeLovelace Lane, Knoxville, TN 37932.  Sua Mah is listed at the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America is a registered breeder, but Immer Essen is not.  


Hopefully there are some other members that will comment.


Thanks, Joyce Randall

I am not familiar with Immer Essen farm but looking at their webpage they seem like very responsible breeders. One thing I really like is they crate train their puppies. I can't emphasize how WONDERFUL it is to have a puppy arrive already crate  trained. Franklin's breeder began crate training around 5-6 weeks old and he came to me pretty much fully potty trained, had I not lived on a 3rd floor apartment with no elevator in downtown San Francisco I fully believe I would have had zero accidents with Frank. The day after I got him I took him to my parent's house for the weekend and he didn't have one accident. He was also very well adjusted when he came to me because he was used to sleeping in his crate away from his littermates. Not one peep out of him at bed time and he never seemed sad that he left his original home to come live with me


As for the re-homing of adults, many very reputable breeders rehome their adult dogs, especially if they have been in business for 15 years. Ask many people on here and you will find they own retired show or breeding dogs. If every breeder kept every dog they had ever bred, they would likely end up overwhelmed with dogs and not be able to focus as much on raising happy healthy puppies. These breeders sound like they are particular on the types of homes the puppies go to and the price tag for these puppies seems to fall in line with what the more reputable breeders charge. I'd say contact them and find out all the info you can from them and go visit the farm and meet the dogs.

Hi Melissa,


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my question.  From also reading what others had to say, I now understand why it would be a common practice for a breeder to rehome some of their adult dogs.  I just wasn't thinking about the reality of the situation.  Still, I would find it hard to give up what amounts to nothing less than a family pet in my opinion, but with so many, I guess a breeder would look at it as necessary. 


I too am impressed with the fact that the puppies come crate trained and house broken.  We've always crated our pets so I can definitely appreciate that.


Thanks again,



It's very normal for a breeder to place adult dogs in new homes, I wouldn't be concerned about that aspect.

Hi Jane,

I really appreciate that you read my message and responded.  There's such a great group of Corgi owners/lovers on this website.


Thank you,  JOYCE

Joyce, Think about it...I bought my 1st female only to find out that she had anxiety issues and so I had her spayed...I promised her that she would always have a home with us. Rainy was such a sweetheart BUT in my heart I knew she would be better in a home in a home where she could have all the attention she deserved...so check out Joanna,Rainy and Calvin. These people drove all the way from NY to MN to pick her up and she is the little princess that she should be and has a doting family who cares so much that I just got a message from Joanna that during the labor day fireworks her dad took Rainy for a drive with the radio and air on so that she didn't have to hear this...better home for her...you bet. It's not easy for meas I am sitting here with tears running down my face...Beth also had maddie who has been rehomed from a breeder. If you care to find a bteer home for the dog and what it needs...rehoming is a good thing!

Maddie is wonderful and happy and we love her to bits!   At the point when we got her another puppy would have been a bit of a time burden for us so it worked out well.  She had a great start in life, is fabulously socialized, very sweet and cuddly and was obviously showered with affection.   She is a submissive girl and I think she's happier here with just one other dog than she would have been finishing out her life as one of 5 or one of 9.   It is not easy for breeders to let dogs go and they are usually more careful in where adults go than pups, because with the adult the personality is already set and they don't adapt as well to new things.  It did take her awhile to truly be comfortable, but she knows we are home now!

Hi Beth,

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my question.  Everyone has been so helpful and I really appreciate it. 


JOYCE  : )

Hi Jane,

It's important for me to realize that sometimes providing the best situation for a beloved Corgi is to re-home even if it isn't easy !


Thanks,  JOYCE

@Joyce. I was lucky enough to have owned 2 Sua Mah girls from Judy Hart. She is a wonderful and very respected Corgi breeder. She is one of the 4 co-writers of the Illustrated Welsh Corgi standard. She also judges Corgi specialty shows. I highly recommend her. I do know that she breeds very little these days, maybe one litter a year. I think it is very important to go with a registered PWCCA breeder and Judy is definitely one of the best there is. Her Corgis are gorgeous with super sweet temperaments. A+

Hi Lucy,

Thank you so much for the recommendation.  I really appreciate it.



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