Today marks Seanna's 12 week anniversary from her second ACL surgery.  She is completely free to do what she wants!!  So glad!!  Very thankful that we'll never have to do this again!

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Happy Happy Day, she looks like she is enjoying it in Corgi style!

Hip-hip hooray:) Glad you're finally free Seanna!

Yay, congrats!

What are her favorite things that she can go back to doing? How long did it take for the fur to grow back to normal on the first leg?

I'm so happy for you and Seanna! Free at at last. I keep going to my calendar to count the weeks and then go back and recount again. How can it only be 7 weeks post ACL surgery for Ricky. It feels like 7 years! haha. I can't wait for his surgeon to give him the OK to resume normal activity. I know I will be very nervous and neurotic about him running and frapping; fearful that he'll re-injure his leg, or the other one. Any pointers you can give in avoiding a 2nd surgery? Did the vet tell you that Sienna will never need another repair?


I was a nervous wreck with the first surgery.  Seanna was only five months out when she ran hard and wouldn't put any weight on it again all of a sudden...not sure but this might have been when the sutures broke?  But anyway, off we went to the surgeon, and she was fine.  He said it's almost impossible to do any damage after the three month post-surgery period.  I have no pointers for you...I thought for sure that Seanna being so much lighter than with the first tear that the second wouldn't happen.  (she was 29# the first time, 21# the second).  She's pretty active, but it's not like she's out herding cows all day.  Hers was probably genetic, which I guess 70% of them are.  And yes, the vet said she should never need another ACL surgery since each leg has been done, unless she'd have a pretty traumatic injury.  (Thank God!!)

Hey Jennifer,

Thanks so much for the info. Ricky-Rafa is 7 wks post surgery. He hasn't been 100% perfect post-surgery, or I should say that Jack and I haven't been perfect. He was/is an active 2 yo, and short of crating him 24/7 for 3 mo. he will sometimes jump on his hind legs to say hello from his x-pen...or run when on a long lead. He gets x-rays this week @ his 8 wk. mark. He's a big boy, but very lean. Always has been. But, because of the surgery, we want to keep him even leaner. He's now down fro 34 to 29#. We never saw the injury. Suddenly he started limping on and off. I think genetics play a part with RR. His conformation is not correct. He's a bit high in the leg, lacks ample stifle. I just can't imagine going through this twice! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. Sounds like the worst case scenario would be a 2nd ACL tear, NOT a third! Good luck and congrats to Seanna being back to normal. xoxo Wendy (Lucy my other Corgi  ;)

PS Did you have to do any rehab after the surgery? Please say no, haha!


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