Ok. The OCD isn't gone. I am ready for the fur bomb in my apartment, the exercise, classes, supplies, back up plans and bank accounts. I can't even seem to convince myself to do any research on other dogs. I am getting a corgi.
From my research I am leaning toward getting a boy puppy from possibly Poso Creek Puppies in Bakersfield (few hours outside of Los Angeles). I have yet to contact her, I will soon though.
I haven't heard anything bad and it seems to be the most accessible breeder for me in LA. Anyone have a poso puppy? Any one in LA recommend a breeder? I am still researching - all of your links to find breeders have been great.
I love a tail. But the Pems seem to have the more social non dominant personality needed for a city dog. Any cardigan or pembroke owners able to dispute this generalization? I know all dogs are different and a huge part is on the owner and the socializing but still it seems this is the pattern.
It seems that Females tend to be more aggressive and dominant and I would like the most dog park, dog party, stranger dog, friend dog friendly I can get. I had originally liked the idea of a lady dog but I am now greatly leaning towards a boy because of what I read. Agree?
I want to rescue, I love the idea of a rescue. HOWEVER. For my very first dog that is all mine I really love the idea of bringing home a puppy that has a good healthy background so that my dog can be my forever friend from the minute he leaves is litter and I can try to avoid some of those hip issues. Rescue animals in general have a sorted past and bad habits, often health genetic issues.
I want to know your thoughts on this. I think if I do end up going with a rescue dog I will still try to get one under 6 months old but I think I will be FAR more likely to go with a mutt. I have seen some pretty adorable golden retriever corgi mutts or lab corgis. I feel like the mix will help eliminate some of the corgi genetic issues that seems to appear in rescue pure bred corgis. Plus, I wouldn't hate a tiny bit more leg.
Any input on any of this would be great!
Poso Creek Corgis on MyCorgi :) There are quite a few!
I know what you mean about wanting to bring a puppy home for your first dog. I was dead set on a puppy, but Ziggy showed up at what seemed to be the perfect time, and I just couldn't say no :) He's my baby now, even though he's not a puppy.. Still really want a puppy, but this has made me decide to get another adult next, because an adult, potty trained, well behaved,etc... I do look forward with a terrible excitement to training one and whatnot.. But this definitely has it's advantages and is perfect for me at this time! :)
I am definitely staying open to doggy fate and a dog finding me at the right time. Its just a hard balance when you want to jump on a list with breeders and such too! Its definitely the biggest thing I am wrestling with.
As a person who has done rescue...yes, some can have bad habits but when I look at the 2 rescues I kept(Wylie and Teddy)...they are my heartdogs. They came from a puppy mills and I swear they know that I saved them...they are the most appreciative dogs I have. Issues...some(Teddy marked for a long time) Wylie is scared of storms shich can happen to any dog. Some of my rescues are on My Corgi...Jennifer Markley and Joanna Rainy and Calvin have them...not all rescues are created equal...pups are great but that not all created equal either. A rehomed adult is also an option...all are great and I would just start looking on Petfinder and see what's out there. Contact breeders and see if you like them....lots of options and you will know when it seems "right":) Good luck and we'll be waiting to see what you decide.
Don't get me wrong - I have no doubt that at some point in my life I will not only have a rescue but I love the idea of fostering dogs as well. At this point though I live in an apartment and I feel I will do the whole doggy community a service if I first master preventing bad habits and encouraging good ones in a puppy and then once I have more real space for a dog I would definitely consider taking in rescues.
That is almost why it breaks my heart so much to go with a breeder and a puppy - I know I am a person with the patience for a rescue I just cant do it at this phase of life.
But you know best and have to do what works the best for you right now...in a perfect world there would be no rescues BUT that isn't going to happen...do what you know is right for you and in the future maybe you can help a rescue:)
I think if I get a puppy from a breeder I need to make a little promise to myself to make my next dog a rescue. I'll be getting a cat in a few years I am sure it will be a shelter kitty. Every dog or cat I have ever owned was from a shelter, its odd to look at breeders!
I am a firm believer in rescue dogs. Even a well bred corgi can have health issues....nothing comes with a guarantee that life will be smooth sailing. All my rescues have generally been healthier than my well bred dogs. Plus, they are a lot more snuggly. I think they know that you've rescued them and given them the life they have always longed for.
All puppies are adorable, but are A LOT of work. A LOT. I would rather have an older dog that I don't have to get up with three times a night. Plus, I think things that are unwanted deserve to be loved for whatever misgivings they have. Not to say that they are perfect, but we all come with baggage, and I feel so sorry for them that I am willing to work through anything.
My personal experience is that male dogs are more even keeled, not as emotional. More laid back and loving. Females can be, at times, well-- bitchy. :-)
But again, it depends on the dog!
Glad to hear I am not alone in this boat! I think I will be a lot happier with the route I take if I go with a puppy. I'll probably be more pushed to foster, adopt, or donate my time to shelter dogs if I do go with a breeder.
If you have a very specific personality in mind I would stick with a good breeder and let them choose the right puppy for you. The breeder will know their personalities the best and should be able to choose the most appropriate pup for your household.
I have a pem and a cardi and my two pretty much follow the norm - my pem loves everyone and my cardi is more of a one family type of dog, more wary of strangers. That isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you're prepared for it, but if you want a dog who is going to be fabulous with everyone I think you're more likely to get that personality from a pembroke.
Hello, I got my Maya cardi girl from Rincon Corgis - the breeder is very good and she has both cardis and pems. beautiful dogs and ribbon winners. i waited almost 20 years before I actually broke down and got my cardi. i have loved corgis for years! and always wanted the cardi because I wanted a more reserved dog. Maya can be reserved in public and rambuctious at home. I have a lab/dobie mix who gets tired looking at her. she is so much fun but it is true that for two females I have to pay attention to what is going on around the house. here is the link to the breeders blogspot http://rinconcorgis.blogspot.com/
Big thank you for the link! I am starting my research now - I have heard of Rincon I think.
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