Corgi owners who live in places with snowy, cold winters: do you dress your corgis up with raincoats/wintercoats or even boots? We didn't get much snow last year so I didn't dress my girl but now I have two and I feel like they need extra protection from the elements. Do they need it or am I just looking for an excuse to buy corgi accessories?

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I have tried Pawz booties --MEDIUM, blue, do NOT GET THEM TOO TIGHT!!  for certain snow conditions, like running in coarse spring snow.  Haven't used them much.  In deep wet snow near freezing, look out for snowballs forming on belly, feet, dangling tags.  They have excellent winter coats.  I carry a foam pad for them to sit on sometimes.

Yeah, it's the snowballs on the belly that get me. They keep the boots on? I know the snow and ice on the belly can't be comfortable...

Lucy doesn't seem to need anything. I just wipe her paws off when we come indoors to get any salt mixture off.

What about the icicles that form on their lowriding bellies? It seems uncomfortable. And they get so wet!

No, not in Buffalo NY :)

I'm in Buffalo, too. You don't think they need it? This will be my boy's first winter...

The only time I've ever put a coat on my dogs was when Luke was a puppy in the middle of winter with practically no undercoat. They really don't need it!

No, don't dress them. they will get used to it and the sooner the better. I do limit their time out in blizzards and watch them but going out to potty and play is fine. The only time my dogs wear a coat is if windchills are way below zero and then even the adults are monitered then. I have a 12 week old that stays out as long as my adults most days and loves it.

I dont think they need to be dressed in anything. Their thick undercoat helps protect them from the elements, just be responsible and go with your gut feeling during extreme weather. Always dry them off when they come inside and just be observant when they are playing outside. Boo loves the snow and we have never had to use any boots or jackets.


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