"Winry arrived this weekend and I noticed that she was underweight and not eating enough. I was wondering how I can increase her appetite?"

She is 5.6 lbs at 8 weeks. From this weight estimate, she is 27 % below breed standards. http://www.puppyweights.com/Pembroke-Welsh-Corgi/219/

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When we got Foxy at 7 weeks she was only 3.4 lbs. but by 10 weeks she double in size and was 6.2 lbs.  She only got and still does only get 1 cup of food a day.  I was concerned at first, but she is very healthy and just a petite little thing.  She's now 5.5 months and I am finally starting to relax about her and realize what everyone else's puppies did or didn't do, weighed or didn't weigh wasn't always going to be the same for my dog.  Like Jane said, just enjoy her she's only a puppy once.  As long as your vet thinks she's in good health, you should be fine.

Thank you everyone for replying with your tips and reassurance. At this point I think I have to visit the vet again. She came to me at 7lbs on my sensitive scale and weight in at 5.6lb on the doctors scale. The doctor suggested it may just be a sensitive scale, however, this scale now reads her weight at 4lbs. She has also not eaten all day and little yesterday despite all the tips. So I think she needs to go to see the vet to confirm if my scale is sensitive or if she really losting


Better to be safe. Is she drinking? Have you called the breeder?

I haven't called the breeder yet but I will if it is serious. She thankfully is drinking. Today she woke up and just seem lethargic. Didn't want to do anything. Gave her wet food, dry food, formula to see if she would touch anything. 

I would take her to the vet asap if she is losing that much weight and is lethargic. Puppies can go downhill very fast.

I would take her in now.  Please don't wait!

I agree take her to the vet NOW!

How is Winry??????

Any update on the pup?

Sorry for the wait. I had studying and exams to take care of. 

Little Winry is doing well now! She had an x-ray and it appears someone may have been eating her potty pads while I was away. The doctor was not sure what it was but it something that is unlikely to be poop. She said that a little piece can expand in belly and make her feel full. So that may be why she does not want to eat. 

The bad part about this is that when Winry tries to pass the piece, it may suck up all the water and make her stool very dry and hard. So the doctor injected her with a bit of solution and it should ensure that there is enough fluids for her to pass it comfortably. 

She is very energetic and hyper today. It seems like she is eating well. I gave about a cup of food  in the morning and when I came back from work half of it was gone. 

So I guess the next step is figuring out how to stop her from eating her wee pad? I tried spraying it with bitter apple and securing it to the plastic pad holder with no luck so far.

I almost forgot. It appears that she didn't lose weight on the doctor's scale. My scale reading just aren't reliable enough for a puppy. A 5lb+/- error is okay for a human but not for something that weight around that much. 

I wondered about her eating something. What about using plain newpapers if. Its in a pan as it would be safer. Glad she's better!

I second the newspapers.


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