Hi guys. This is my first time here, although I wish I would have joined years ago. It seems like a fun place to be. =) I am writing today because I just found out that my 10 1/2 year old Corgi (Blaze) has a tumor in his eye that is probably cancerous and has to have his eye removed, probably Tues.

I am trying to digest this...Blaze is my baby, my husband and I don't have kids and well you can imagine how spoiled he is. =) He also has some aging and cloudiness going on in his good eye, so I guess we will see how that goes as he gets older. The vet took some xrays and it doesn't seem that he has any other tumors in his body that we can see anyway...so that is good news.

It's just really hard for me to deal with this...I have read some messages online that tell people to "buck up" and deal with it ..it isn't happening to you, it is happening to him...I know that this is true. I have to get control of my emotions so he won't be upset if he sees that I am...I think he will adjust to the loss of the eye fine, it seems most dogs aren't really that affected by it once it heals.

Anyway, I am just venting basically and wondering if any of you have had anything similar. This is happening so soon, it is a lot to take in..

Thanks for any support.


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Those darn cones:( They have got to be a pain! Glad he's doing well!

Glad it went well!  I had a great tip from a friend when Jack needed a cone for a scratched cornea:  I punched a little hole in the top and strung a cord through it so I could hold it up for him when he walked.  It kept hitting the ground otherwise and he didn't want to move.  We went on a nice mile walk that way and he was so, so happy.

Good tip Jane.  Blaze had a cone on for weeks at the end of last year due to a foot surgery and after about 3 days he learns to lift his head when he walks and goes upstairs. He is already starting to do that again, so that is good that he had training before.. His problem is he bumps into things all the time since his head is so wide and he can't see on his left side. 

That's what Bella  did(ran into doors) so she only wore hers for a day. Luckily she isn't a licker.

I am so glad to hear that you are both doing ok!  Those cones are such a pain!  And they are so big that our poor short legged corgis have a terrible time walking in them.  When Arnie had his I had to remove it so he could eat but hit went right back on or he would instantly be chewing on his leg.

Imagine my poor Oliver (cat) who had to have it on for a month!

Last time we took his off to eat and at night, but this time with his eye involved it is to risky to do that since the hole is so tight on his head...I just put his food on the floor instead of his bowl because he flips his bowl upside down with the cone. 

Poor kitty, a month is a very long time...I bet you both were happy when that was over with.  Thank God for cones though, they really help the wounds to heal w/o them bothering them.

Beth...what a great idea!  Poor Arnie kept getting caught on the transitions from wood floor to the kitchen tile and trying to get him up and down the steps to go out was horrible.  Oliver I fed with a spoon for a month.  Poor cat.  And not only did he have the cone but had to be isolated from the rest of critters so he didn't do anything to rip his stitches out.  Because of bad male anatomy he could no longer pee like a boy so they changed his plumbing around so he now pees like a girl.  So that took a long time to heal.  And he is a dang stray that walked in the door a year ago.  *sigh*  I am such a sucker for a cute face.

I know how it goes Linda...I swear there is a sign someplace that alerts strays that if they come into my yard...they get to stay...glad Oliver found you:)

Here is a pic of Blaze. Poor little guy..

He does look comfortable though...hoping for a speedy recovery!

Jane....I swear that Fate has decreed that we always have 3 cats.  Whenever we have lost a kitty to old age...mine live 18-19 years (pampered housecats) and we decide that we will stick with 2, a 3rd one shows up at my door.  The ones that literally walk in the door without any fear of the other cats or dogs just amaze me no end. The last thing I wanted was another black cat...they are sweet and cuddly once they age but as young cats they are the Spawn of Satan.  And that's what Oliver is..black cat with huge green eyes.  I wanted a red/white one but nope that's not what I got.  All 3 are 6 years or younger so this crop will be with us for a while.

Sounds like you have your hands full LInda...That is so awesome that they all get along so well  =)


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