For the second time this year Izzy was attacked by a loose dog! I am so angry that I decided to vent to all of you. It was a neighbor dog that has shown a lot of dog aggression in the past and I have talked to him about it and gave him info about a trainer in our area that may be able to help. I have been alarmed lately that I have seen him in the park land behind our house with the dog off leash and my next door neighbor has related a few incidents also. Izzy and I were walking on the sidewalk and as soon as I saw the dog was tied in their front yard I moved into the street but he lunged forward broke the rope he was tied with and was on Izzy suddenly. I screamed and kicked him so he backed off and by that time the owner was there to grab him. He apologized and I let him know that having him tied in front of the house was just asking for trouble. He said I was unfair and that the rope broke so it wasn't his fault. At this point I was furious!! I let him know it was an unacceptable excuse and that I have seen him off leash several times. Later I wrote him a note outlining the incidents I knew about and the ones my next door neighbor had related and let him know that if I hear of any other incident I will report him to Animal Control. I probably should report him anyway but this is a very nice long time neighbor so I want to give him a chance to be responsible. Meanwhile Izzy is fine, he did not break the skin but she was very shook up and I am very worried about how she will interact with strange dogs. I will never understand why someone with an aggressive dog can be so careless. No amount of apologies will make someone whose dog was hurt or killed feel better. Why be so careless?? Ugh! Anyway I feel better unloading!

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ohh f'cryin' out LOUD! What nitwits.

For the "unreel your dog toward mine despite my warnings to keep the dog at heel," I'd suggest pepper spray.

When I would walk my dog-aggressive shepherd at our local dogs-on-leash-only park (before I gave up on that altogether), sometimes I would carry a can of Mace (the real stuff -- you used to be able to get it at auto supply stores, interestingly). One time I'm walking along the sidewalk and here comes an idiot with his big dog off the leash. Naturally, the dog starts to come bounding over.

All it took for the guy to call his pooch to heel was for me to silently take the spray can out of my pocket.

I'm dead sure that if I had said "please call your dog," he would have ignored me just as every other idiot ignores me when I say that. Didn't even have to speak to him.

That said, it should be kept in mind that some dogs, when in attack mode, are further enraged by pepper spray and become even more dangerous. Rehearse the hard kick and carry a heavy stick with you.

I took Becca to the beach today. Most of the people there had dogs with them. Even though it is posted for all dogs to be on a leash many were not. Becca is not aggressive but will get snarky if another dog gets in her face. Three times people let their loose dogs come up to her. Only one owner listened when I said she would get snarky. One guy was totally oblivious. We were on the narrow trail back to the parking lot, I saw him coming and directed Becca onto the snow bank. His dog was running up to every dog on the trail. Even after I told the guy that Becca would be snarky he let his dog approach. I body blocked the dog as it went up to Becca. I think he thought I was going to kick his dog. At that point he came and got it, but let it do the same thing to the people and dogs behind me. I was proud of Becca who stayed on the snow bank as directed. Some people are just numb.

There are two aggressive dogs in my neighborhood. One owner is extremely careful, the other is not. There is no convincing the not careful owner that it is a problem.

I no longer say things like "snarky," "doesn't like dogs," "dog-aversive" to these people. I state flatly and firmly, "My dog bites." Doesn't matter whether my dog really will bite or not: it's now my standard "keep your mutt under control" gambit.

If that doesn't work, "My dog WILL bite your dog." Escalating to "My dog will bite you."

"Bite" seems to be the only word these chuckleheads can understand. Some of them can't figure that one out, either.

I truly don't get people who have aggressive dogs and don't do anything to make sure the dog is under their control.  And anybody who allows their off leash dog to trot on up to a strange dog is asking for trouble.  We do have a leash law here and the law does state either on leash or under owner verbal control.  If I walk my guys around my neighborhood I always use a leash...I worry about loose dogs and neither of them are street smart when it comes to cars.  If we pass someone walking a dog I will put myself begin them and the other person/dog.  Plus both of mine are protective of me and I worry that if they feel a person or dog is a threat to me they may make the first move.

Hear hear!!!!

IMHO it's at least partly a function of the whole idiotic idea that dogs equate to your "children." The Humane Society sites that call dog owners "parents" just make me want to bite. Conflating a pet with a child leads people (some of whom, let's face it, are amazingly stupid) to misunderstand the nature of the dog. They no longer see it as a dog (i.e., a domesticated carnivore that evolved from a wolf). Because they think it's like a child or even, in some cases, that it IS their child, they honestly don't believe little TuTu can possibly mean anyone any harm.

And then there are some people who just don't care.

In either event, there's nothing you can do to change their minds. They're either fools or boors. Hence: pepper spray, a stout club, or a pistol and plenty of practice with it.

That's probably the only reason I would see to have a smart phone with me, as I hope I would have the instinct to use it when this is happening.    I would take a picture/video of the dog, the owner, his home, etc. and post it to the SPCA, the Police, Pet Store, Facebook, the whole Shabang.

Sure it's excessive but I hate to hear pet owners getting away with stuff like that, on the beach or local parks with no repurcussions.     Glad you tried to "tear him a new one" and that your pup's OK.

Good idea! And if they climb into a car, get a photo of their license plate, too.

Vicky....I often call my dogs and cats my "kids".  I will say to the dogs "Daddy's home", or call them Mommy's boy or girl.  But in no way do I believe they are my kids or treat them like they are.  I love them, spoil them but there is also discipline.  Both species are descended from wild creatures and can do a great deal of harm.  And if you think a housecat can't do some damage...try picking up one that does not like strangers.  I had one of my cats get scared while I was holding her, she pushed off out of my arms with her back claws raking my hand.  She cut 2 fingers down to the bone.  There's a lot of power in those little back legs.

But like you I do not get people who actually treat their pets as their children and believe their little sweeties could never do any harm.  I am more cautious of those kinds of dogs than any other dog you can throw at me.

Yeah...but it's a metaphor.  Of course, people who possess normal levels of brightness do understand the difference. But I'm sure we've all met people who really, sincerely do think their dogs and cats are their children. The result, IMHO, is not benign.

Ouch!!!! I hope those wounds healed up without infection. A cat can bite pretty effectively, too, and their teeth, because of the type of puncture wound they inflict, can do a nice job of creating a mean infection.

When I was a little girl, I almost died from a cat scratch infection. In fact, the doctors told my mother I would be dead by morning. Evidently they were wrong. I think.

I had a friend of my mother who died out of a wild cat bite. she accidentally stepped on the tail of a hidden sleeping cat..well since she is old (70 years old) her antibody may not be that strong and the cat is a wild one..hence not vaccinated, so she passed away... :( 

Thanks goodness you are all ok after the bite.

Have to comment on the "kids" comparison, I am a Grandmother and have always felt that training a dog is a great way to learn how to raise children. Children also need guidelines and consistent, positive education. Both children and animals respond well to learning what is acceptable and what is not. The best thing a parent can do for their child is to teach them how to grow into a productive member of our society and that is what I want for my dogs too. I have been pretty happy with my results both in the children category as well as the dogs I have had. All it takes is a little effort, I guess that is why it is so frustrating when people don't make the effort.

Yeah, but a dog or a cat is not a child. Its instincts are different. It's not a primate; it's a canid -- hence its built-in mechanisms for survival differ from ours in a number of important ways. While certainly there are some parallels -- consistency in training and behavior being way up there -- there are some important differences.

And yup. It's just as frustrating when people don't bother to socialize their dogs (i.e., train them to live in polite company) as when they don't bother to bring up their kids with any sense.

The more people I meet, the more I like my dog, eh?


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