Things were going great in my life until my regular check up about a month ago. Next thing I knew I was having multiple tests and seeing multiple doctors. Cancer is a very scary word! I have always been very healthy and I still feel just fine but have been on  roller coaster lately. One oncologist suspected late stage gall bladder cancer and thought if I responded well to chemo I might have one or two years left! We immediately hopped in our motorhome and went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. They have a great system there if you are on site and will squeeze you in. Fortunately although they agreed I have stage 4 cancer they determined it while origin unknown was gyn in nature which is at least treatable. I am home now and will begin chemo next week with hopes I will be well enough to have surgery later. At least now I have a chance! My husband and I had lengthy discussions on whether we should keep Watson. We finally decided that we need the laughs he provides so will make it work. I will have him in doggie daycare  once or twice a week to keep him socialized and for exercise.

Wish me luck Corgi family! Weird that I still feel perfectly fine with no symptoms except for a swollen lymph node! Hug your Corgis too. I am lucky to have very supportive family , friends, cats and Corgis to see me through  this.   Love the corgi community!         10/26 update....Had my first chemo yesterday and am feeling fine. So far so good! I am having weekly treatments for 18 weeks as long as everything still continues going well. Thanks for all your great wishes! 

1/30       Finally really good news! I have responded so well to chemo that I am now a candidate for surgery. When we started this journey it did not look like I would be able to survive surgery. Not looking forward to major surgery but I understand this will greatly improve my over all prognosis. Currently I feel great because they have halted  chemo so they can operate. My surgery will be February 9th. After the I will restart chemo. At this point it looks like I am in partial remission. I am looking forward to being well enough to resume Watson's training in the Spring. He continues to be a joy to live with while Izzy loves cuddling. Thanks to all of you for your positive thoughts and prayers.

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Bev....I know you had your first treatment yesterday and I wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and keeping good positive thoughts.

Glad you are feeling ok after your first round... Hopefully that trend will continue!

Hope all goes well.

Glad to hear from you.  You have my continued good thoughts and prayers as you go thru this.  Snuggle up with those beautiful corgis.

Glad you're feeling OK...let's wup this thing! Corgi-Nation stands next to you. 

So glad to hear the first treatment went ok. Hope things continue going well! And hopefully you get to enjoy at least some of the lovely autumn weather.

Hate to hear you got such news, but I'm glad to hear you are keeping Watson.  They can be such a stress reliever during trying times as I'm sure you already know.  Good luck with your therapy and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Bev, thank you for keeping us updated!! I know everyone here is thinking about you often! :)

Bev, thought of you today. Found this glass blown cardigan a couple weeks ago in a gallery here in Vero Beach called the Laughing Dog. Made by Thomas von Koch from Newark, Delaware.

Love the glass Cardigan!

I am over here for the first time in several months, looking for a photo of Jon Farleigh and Dewi, and I happened upon this. 

I don't have any stories to tell or experience to offer, but wanted to tell you that I am SO SO sorry this has happened. You've been a friend to me here, when the boys were younger, and I know you've taken time to visit my blog. I am thankful for that, and I wish you all the best wisdom and doctors and care and that you knock this thing into oblivion. Bam! 

Hug those precious doggies every chance you get; they are a gift. Shoot, I'll even hug my two (and all 6 cats) for you, too!

Will be thinking of you. 

Thanks Elizabeth! I do really like your blog and follow on facebook too. Love your crew and identify with your sense of humor. I appreciate your kind thoughts. It's great to have so many people pulling for me as I work my way through this journey. Chemo so far is working out and my husband and I are learning to value each day instead of thinking about our long range plans. Having been a life long positive person ( thank you mom) I feel pretty hopeful. Having my loving cats and funny Corgis plus a great family and friends is very helpful.


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