Few days ago I fed my Moe some raw chicken bone and he started to have constipation. I know that I should not feed them with chicken bone....  

Today is Day 4 and it is still not improving. We went to see Vet and had X-Ray in Day 2. The vet gave him some med and laxative, but nothing seems to work. He only managed to poo a tiny bit in one time.

The X-ray show he has a long strip of poo in his colon. The x-ray report said it is just constipation and nothing major. The vet put his finger in Moe's butt to remove the poo, but there is not much he can removed as the poo is deep inside his colon.

So can someone tell me what should we do now? The first night Moe did not eat at all. These two days Moe seems normal, he eats, he plays and loves treats but no poo.

Thanks a lot 


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plain canned pumpkin ....not the pumpkin pie mix where you add things to ..just plain ol canned pumpkin...libbys makes it.  maybe start with a tablespoon, if that doesn't help, try another tablespoon...it helps constipation but also if given too much can cause loose stools.  if the pumpkin doesn't work, I would ask your vet what to do next, also try going for some long walks.  hope hes better soon!

I try canned pumpkin already. It is still not working.

Maybe I need a 800LB monster pumpkin

hmm, that's puzzling.... how much have you given him so far?  does the vet seem concerned, I would think he should have gone by now.

I agree with Nancy. Canned pumpkin is great. I would give a tbsp maybe three times a day. Walks will also help get things moving. Our vet also said a few bran flakes a couple times a day is a good idea for constipation. Also, try to make sure he's getting enough fluids. If he eats dry food, mix it with some warm water to increase fluid intake. IF there is no bowel movement soon, I would contact the vet again. Poor thing must be so uncomfortable :(.

Moe is usually very good with poo, he often poo in the middle of the road. But not this time.

He need something serious. very serious......

sigh, so worry about him.

keep giving pumpkin til he goes.... and yes add the water to dry food, and walk walk walk, or play lots of fetch, keep him moving...hope he feels better soon!!!

I may have a solution! I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. Sully is very prone to constipation that makes her miserable. I tried EVERYTHING with little to no success. I tried the wet food only, food mixed with pumpkin and extra water, fish and coconut oil, but NMOtHING helped. One day I tried mixing barley in and within hours she begged to go out for the first time ever. She just barely made it outside in time and had to go several times all day. It was very soft, then runny. I gave her some dry food with no barley and she corrected almost immediately.

The moral of the story, for me, was to add only about a teaspoon per feeding, and possibly only every other feeding. The barley it cheap and easy to cook, though it takes about thirty minutes to cook. I keep it cooked in the refrigerator for a few days and cook more as needed. You may want to be sure you will be home the first time you try it, but she eats a small amount regularly now and she rarely gets constipated attack now. Very effective and nontoxic. I hope it helps!
Omg he's beautiful! I also found some treats may aggravate constipation and/or diarrhea. I had to give up Greenies, which were a huge hit, but acted like a spongy glue in her digestive track. I have found peas and green beans mildly helpful, but as I posted already, nothing worked as well as small amounts of added barley. I sure hope Moe feels better soon!

I do feel that the way a dog acts is a good barometer of what is going on.  You say Moe is acting normal, eats, plays and loves treats. You had him checked by the Vet who said it was nothing major, just constipation from the raw bones. I would try to forget about the whole thing and give his body a chance to work it out.   Just stick to the routine that worked well for him before.  By overfocusing on the temporary problem you can cause a more longterm one....

Moe is cured. And it is graphic.

The raw chicken bone became very firm poo. Very very firm. The bone and what is left of the meat turn into semi solid thing. Since nothing works, my wife need to put her finger in Moë's butt. Basically, she dug the shit out.

In fact, the vet did the same thing two days ago. I also did that. But both of our hand is big. So my petite wife comes in handy.

Thanks everyone one for reply. Next time you know what need to be done:)
I doubt I will ever give my dog any form of raw food but should it happen and should the need arise you can be sure I will be calling your wife to step in for me. That's love! So glad the ordeal is over for everyone!

Now THAT is love!   Glad he's doing better, and your wife is very brave.


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