First of all I want to thank this site and the members for all of the information here!! Our beloved corgi, Phoebe, got really sick last week with what turned out to be a bladder stone that completely prevented her from peeing. She ended up in the ICU at Cornell University for 4 days during which time I suddenly thought to check this site. There is so much information on others experiences with this same thing that I immediately was able to relax my anxiety a little. I had no idea that corgis are predisposed to having this type of problem. Phoebe's case was complicated by the location of the stone which was lodged in her urethra and couldn't be seen on an xray or ultrasound - the ultrasound showed a density but not what it actually was. The vets at Cornell used a scope with a camera finally and were very relieved to find this large stone which they blasted apart with a laser. Phoebe's bladder wall and urethra were thick and inflamed with the irritation of the stone which is now at a lab in Minnesota being analyzed. So far they recommended a supplement called D-Mannose which is a cranberry sugar to prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and a probiotic. We may have to change her diet too but they wanted us to wait until the stone analysis to see if that is necessary. This was a pretty expensive illness at $3,500 but she got excellent care at Cornell which is set up as a teaching hospital.

Thanks to all of you who post and answer posts regularly on mycorgi! You all are a wonderful resource for new corgi owners. I turned to this site many times when my 2 corgis were pups and plan on using it more often in the future!

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Sarah....I'm so sorry Phoebe and you had to go thru this but so happy to hear she is ok now and on her way to recovery.  Yes this site is wonderful for learning things about our beloved breed.  I learned something from your post.  I've only dealt with a cat in that situation, I had no idea that corgis are predisposed to that problem.  Now I know and it is something I can file away that will possibly help me realize what it might be if a situation arises.

I feel bad that this site is no longer as active as it use to be now that there is a FB account connected to it.  There were always new posts and/or pictures daily to share funny things, new things we have learned about our corgis, questions and helpful answers and also warnings when necessary. 

BTW....Phoebe is a gorgeous fluffy!  She reminds me of my Max.

I seem to have missed the boat about the FB account. Would you let me know how to find it?

Thanks, Linda, I have followed many of your posts over the last few years. One of the problems we were having with knowing what was going on had to do with Phoebe's fluffiness - I couldn't see that she wasn't peeing because she has too much hair and I thought it was another UTI. She had had 2 over the winter with spots of blood in the snow making it easy to diagnose. This time she vomited all afternoon and looked like she was in labor - when Phoebe started moaning I took her straight to Cornell realizing that it wasn't a UTI. She was hunched over straining for much of the morning and I had put her straight back on an antibiotic. Well it also turned out that when they did the urinalysis and urine culture that a specific antibiotic was needed; the one I had her on would "just laugh at the bacteria." Her type of bacteria hides in the cells and her urine alone showed no signs of bacteria at all. So Phoebe needed all of those tests to actually get at and diagnose the issue. She was immediately catheterized to relieve the holding urine situation and luckily her kidneys were not compromised. When they released her Phoebe was given an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory and pain meds. We have to go back soon for another urine culture to make sure the bacteria has cleared up. The whole thing made me intensely anxious because the vets kept saying that she looked abnormal in the thickness and inflammation of her bladder and urethra but when they found the large stone it totally made sense.

I enjoyed reading about your fluffy Max and was sad when he died. He sounded so special!

It can be hard to see things (and even feel things) on a fluffy. I never saw the lump on his side until it had gotten large and I could feel it.  Same with the smaller one on his neck especially with it being under his collar.  So glad you are that close to Cornell, can't get better than that.  Not all that sure where Odessa is, I'm down in Kingston, an hour south of Albany.

So glad that her kidneys were not compromised!  Prayers that the bacteria is gone and stays gone for good.  My male cat that had a blockage had small stones but his urethra was very narrow and he couldn't pass them.  They had to reroute his plumbing so he now pees like a girl. And 5 weeks of isolation in the guest room with a cone on.

Yes, my Max was special.  We love all our cats and dogs but a special one comes along that just crawls so deep in your heart and that was Max for me.

Please keep us posted on how Phoebe is doing.

That must have been a shock to suddenly feel lumps on Max. A very bad shock. And thank goodness your male cat is okay even with peeing like a girl. Hopefully he doesn't care about that! I am so grateful for everything that is medically possible for our animal companions whether we choose to partake or not.

Both of my corgis are deeply in my heart. They are both so different in personality - I think of Phoebe as deep and soulful, more independent but she totally has my back. Bodie is like an eager little kid who adores me and has to have his snuggle in the morning or the day won't go right. We now have a third dog, a long haired German Shepherd puppy who is 4 months old. The house is really full of dog energy now! Bodie is very submissive and hung out behind the toilet (a favorite spot in hot weather) for a month before engaging with Cairn - now they play all of the time. Phoebe told Cairn who was boss from the get go and still is though Cairn is now bigger in frame than either of them. They are all working it out to be a canine family!

By the way, Odessa is about 17 miles from Ithaca and Cornell University. I know I am fortunate to have that resource so close by!

How is Phoebe doing?

Phoebe is doing fine, thanks for checking in. We still don't have the results about the stone itself and which type it is which we should get this week. I spoke with our Cornell student again who called to see how Phoebe was. When I told her that Phoebe's energy really seemed back to normal after she finished two of the meds she told me that a side effect of the anti-inflammatory was lethargy. I was figuring it was probably both the meds and recovering from the trauma of being away from home, sleeping with a cone on, IV, catheter, etc. but she was very subdued. Phoebe has one more dose of antibiotic and then will go back for a urine culture next week to make sure the bacteria is all cleared up.

I'll make sure to post about the stone as I know many on this site have experienced this too unfortunately!

Here's an update on Phoebe who is doing very well. The results of the bladder stone came back as struvite which means we have to change her diet to prescription. It seems our choices are Diet Royal Canin SO or Hills c/d Multicare Canine Urinary Care Health Food - both dissolve crystals and stones. I'm going to look at the previous forums here again to see if there seems to be one or the other preferred. She's also on D-Mannose that helps prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and a probiotic. Luckily Phoebe likes most foods so I'm hopeful she'll adapt to this change well. For her brother, I think I'll do a urine sample to see if there are any crystals and if not keep him on the current food and just check his urine periodically - just because of the corgi predisposition to this. Thanks again for the wealth of info on this site and to the folks who respond regularly - it is appreciated!

Thank you for the update!  So glad to hear she is doing well.  Can't help with which food would be better but glad you have a choice.  Remember those days when all we had for them was KenlRation and table scraps?  Such a difference today in being able to treat our beloved animals.  Wise to stay ahead of things making sure your male doesn't end up in the same situation.

Ouch! Poor little dog! I'm glad you were able to get her treated...but sorry for the pain to your pocketbook.

Though neither of mine have had stones...yet...Ruby the Puppy seems to have practically started life with a UTI. I'd be interested to learn if you learn any strategies for preventing the development of stones. Where do you get D-Mannose? Is it a health-food store item, or did you need to get a prescription?

Thanks for your response, Vicky. The D-Mannose we ordered from Amazon as well as the VSL#3 probiotic. I checked our local independent pet store first but they didn't carry either. We'll probably just continue to get them on Amazon as the quantities given are very small meaning each will last several months.I will let everyone else know what else I find out. This site has many conversations about bladder stones and strategies for prevention including some people who did not opt for the prescription food but eliminated certain types of protein.I'll see what my vet says when I see him this week!

None of my corgis ever had a problem with bladder stones but the cat that had crystals and stones along with very narrow plumbing (which required surgery), I was told to extremely limit food containing fish.  That's about all the knowledge I have.


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