Before my corgi, I had a Golden who couldn't care less about looking at or listening to the TV. Now, my corgi, Brian, is absolutely enthralled in watching TV with the family! Basically, if he hears any barking or animal noises he'll just stare at the TV and tracks whatever he sees (he loves watching Animal Planet). Sometimes, he doesn't even need the audiotory stimuluation and will just see a moving dog or other animal and just stares. For example, he watched an entire 5-minute montage of a running dog in a movie last night. Does anyone else's corgi actually watch TV?

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I have seen LO watch Tv, CSI I think it was.
Our mix Tessie is enthralled with the television when there are animals on. Sometime she sees them before we do. She doesn't need the sound but she likes the barking too. It is really cute. Last night we watched a documentary on PBS about sea lions in CA. She loved it. I put animal planet on for her all the time. She loves the dog shows. Marley, our corgi, could care less.
Unfortunately, Kirby will launch himself at the TV if dogs, horses, or kids playing soccer are on! He barks and jumps repeatedly. It was cute at first, but now, not so much!
My chorgi mix, Chloe LOVES to watch TV. Her favorite movie is Star Wars (no kidding! she will sit and watch it for a long time), she loves NASCAR when they have the camera close on the track and the cars are whizzing by. Oh, and basketball. Her and my husband spend Saturday afternoons watching college basketball.
I love watching animal planet with Ein!
Buuba likes Westerns and Animal Planet. I've got a few pics of him fixed on these programs that I'll have to post when I get home today.
Gibson definitely will watch tv and gets scared whenever dogs bark or something else makes a weird noise. We were watching Planet Earth last night in HD and he just loved watching the squirrels!!
My Pem, Charlie is an avid TV watcher (any program/commercial with ANY animal/sea creature/bird etc will do...his current favorite is the commercial for Travelers Insurance, where the dog is trying to hide his bone). He will actually run in from another room to watch his favorite commercials, or at any animal sounds.

My Cardigan, Griffey, also watches TV, but not as passionately as Charlie, the Pem.

A few weeks ago I called in to the Marc Morrone radio program (Sirius- Martha Stewart station) and asked about this. He said that Corgis, in particular, have highly developed rods and cones compared to other breeds, and that allows them to understand what they are seeing on the television.
He said that he has owned over 20 dogs (no Corgis) and not one has shown interest in the TV.

He also said that its hard to stop this behavior since programs/commercials act as self-fulfilling prophecies. The dog sees an animal on TV, bark, the commercial ends, and the TV animal goes away. The dog has scared the animal away and see themselves as a hero (protecting the family)

His suggestion to correct the behavior was to have them on a lead, and pull back to correct their barking.

I haven't done that. I have learned to enjoy life without Animal Planet and to watch TiVo recorded shows to get past the commercials!
Very interesting about the rods and cones piece in corgis. That would explain why my other dog wasn't interested!
Violet loves to watch TV too. She especially perks up when other dogs are on the show we're watching. Sometimes she gets zippers and runs crazy through the house when the dogs start barking. I'm not sure what her favorite show is but I've definately noticed she watches TV.
So interesting! I guess Doris Daylily's rods and cones are not as highly developed as other corgis' eyeballs, because she shows no interest in the TV. In fact, if a dog barks on the TV, Doris runs to the door and barks as if to ward off intruders. We cannot convince her that there are no dogs out there. So I have to be careful that what I'm watching doesn't have much of the barking dogs in it. (There goes any Terminator movies, huh?)

Oh, well. Here's to individuality! :D
Yep, that's my pups too. For a long time if there was a door bell ringing on the TV Brody would run to the door barking. He's learned now what's "real" and what's on TV. They will bark and run to the back door if they hear a dog barking on TV, but don't really associate it with TV. They do the same when I watch the videos on this web site!


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