My corgi is about 9 months old is is only about 13-15 pounds. Do you think this is the biggest she will get? How long did it take your corgi to grow to it's full size? I'm worried!

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I think that maybe some corgis go through 'precocious' puberty; that is, they grow faster and earlier than their peers. Dooley (4.5 months) is currently flirting with numbers over 20 pounds. He is 12.5'' at the withers and 17'' from withers to base of tail, so is already at the upper limit of acceptable show size. He is quite trim and active, while his ribs don't stick out, he definitely has a defined little waist. His rate of growth skyrocketed following his treatment for roundworms around 3 months. Once the worms were gone, Dooley's appetite increased and I could almost watch him growing.
Dooley weighed 21 lbs at the vet today. She'd never seen a corgi even close to this humongous size so young. We're going to delay his altering; neutering lowers the amount of testosterone, which serves to fuse the epiphyseal growth plates on the ends of long bones. Earlier neutering actually results in slightly taller corgis.
I don't know if anyone has ever had a big of a corgi as mines - at least not at his age. =T His mommy was probably about 25lbs, and I say his dad is average too. Well, Bailey is 20 lbs 4 oz as of yesterday and hes ONLY (yes only) 4.5 months old!!! almost 5 months. The thing is, he is definetly NOT overweight - just really muscular or "built", but he still has that puppy frame. Bailey gets 1.5 cups of food a day (split into two meals) -treats in between, and walks twice a day, and long exhausting adventures (super long walks in the park, dog park, the beach, pet supply stores) on the weekend!

Haha.. my mom is suggesting to me that I put Bailey on a fasting program (jokingly...). =P

anyone willing to take a look at my photos and tell me what they think?!?!?
He is a big boy but doesnt look it ;D As a just in case so he doesnt get big, I would cut his food down to 1c a day and fewer treats and more veggies. He looks great right now. Hes really handsome. :) Oh, and Chloe is probably maybe 15-20lbs. Her last weigh in was at 6 months and she was 15lbs.
P.s Shes 9 months now.
thanks! yea he doesnt! its all muscle! LOL. yea we are in the process of switching over to puppy wellness, ad once we make the complete switch i think well go to 1 cup day. well see what his weight is then. hes still gaining a pound a week!!! need to get him weighed this weekend, but thanks!
Hi there. I recently adopted a corgi, at least that is what they stated him to be, and I was concerned about his weight as well. He is fourteen weeks now and weighs in at 4.5 lbs. I have read that the standard weight span the AKC provides is higher than what it should be. There are a lot of corgi's these days that can weigh under 18 lbs as an adult. Don't worry....your corgi seems very healthy and looks adorable.
Lucy. Your Corgi is on the petite side for nine months, but from her pictures she does not look too thin. Corgis grow at varying rates, but should expect to be filled out by two years old. I have a two and a half year old female (Fergie) that looked mature at five months and is 25 lbs right now. I have an 18 month old (Brodie) who still looks like a gangly teenager (22 pounds), but is finally starting to fill out in his chest. Brodie gets two cups of food a day and Fergie only gets a half cup with a handful of green beans. Just goes to show you that every dog is an individual. If your Vet is comfortable with her progress you shouldn't worry. Do you know how big her parents were? There is a tendancy to breed for smaller dogs these days.She is beautiful by the way!
My friend had a corgi that was only 20lbs and it was a boy at 5 years old! Everyone thought he was a puppy :) Don't worry, you might end up with a small corgi, but it is nothing to worry about.
My Maggie Mae is only 11 months old and her weight fluctuates between 16 and 17lbs. I get her weighed every month because she is on revolution and I want to make sure I get the right dosage. She is very small for her age however her mommy was small. The vet thought she would be at least 22lbs but he said she will probably stay the size she is. I am always worried about her especially when I saw a corgi the other day and he was 25lbs. But she eats, plays, and is happy so I try not to fret over it. I just say I have a mini corgi.
When Sadie wet to the vet around 5 months she was 10ish pounds and is small for her size too. Both of her parents (even the dad) are 20lbs! So Sadie will be a small little girl!
LO will be 1 July 21st amd I doubt he will be 20 pounds. He is tall, doesn't even look close to what a corgi should be like, lower to the ground and a nice barrell chest. I know he is a puppy mill dog and I am generally upset with myself as I got him at a pet store. I had lost my Max the month before and was in mourning, saw LO at the store and couldn't help myself.
At 7 months Freya is still at 18 pounds. I thought she was small but maybe she isn't after all.


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