I have never had a dog that got car sick and our male corgi has no problems but Our female, anytime, we are in the car will drool like crazy. I will compare her drool to that of a Saint Bernard but more! She drools like crazy and then last night we were headed to the lake (which was about a 45 minute drive), we were almost there and she vomitted (the first time for that). I have tried crating her while in the car and that doesn't help. Last night, I put her in the front seat cause I thought maybe it would be less movement for her and that didn't help either. I just feel so bad for her!! We go on trips frequently so I have to find something out to help her! Just in case, she is 6 months old and has done this every trip in the car since bringing her home.

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Sounds like she is afraid more than anything. Get her used to the car by taking her on short (very short) drives. Crate her or use a seat belt harness. Give her treats after you get home. You might even start out just sitting in the car and treating her. Then get out and do it again so she associates being in the car with good stuff. The drooling happens lots when they are frightened. Don't feed her before a car trip. Stick with the short rides until she is more comfortable. Rocky likes to have a pillow to lay on. I think it lessens the vibrations from the road for him. He is much happier and relaxes more with the pillow. If you crate her, put a cushy pillow in there for her with a cover in case she vomits. Rosie doesn't care. She just likes to go. You could add trips to a close by park as you are getting her used to the car or somewhere else fun. Just don't subject her to long rides until she is more comfortable in the car.
My vet said it's O.K. to give dogs dramamine. Many shops sell ginger snacks for dogs and they make mint snacks works well, too. Keep your pup's head close to the fresh air coming from the open window or the A/C. The ginger/mint snacks +fresh air worked very well for my friend's puppy, who is 5 months old, and she is on a 3,500 mile road trip right now.
Maybe if she had a super good chew bone or something like that to occupy her mind and keep her busy it could help. Good luck on this. Poor little thing, but she has really good parents that care enough to ask for ideas.
Thanks! Our dogs are just like our babies! I couldn't imagine treating them any other way!!
Sparty is very nervous in the car. We have had some success with Bach's Rescue Remedy (health food stores or I think Petsmart). We drive a lot so I feel bad for him too. He shakes and pants and if we have to drive over a rumble strip it is pitiful. That being said he loves to go with us and the minute his feet hit the ground everything is great! He is ten and has had this problem since about 6 months. He sits in the middle of the back seat and doesn't move the entire way but it is obvious that he wants to be with us even if a car is involved.
We used to have a similar problem, Bear would cry and whine and basically panic the whole time we were in the car. We started with my boyfriend holding him while we ran to Petsmart, which is about 5 minutes away. He LOVES Petsmart so that helped a bit, I'm a teacher and now that I'm home for the summer, we're going to the dog park any day it's nice. It took a few months, but he's great in the car now. Our drive to puppy school is about 30 minutes and he's great until about the last 5 minutes.

Slow and steady wins the race - good luck!
Well, I tried a half a dramamine and it seemed to help some with the drool. She slept most of the 45 minute drive but she still got sick right before we got to our destination. Has anyone ever tried benadrayl?
Jack drools like crazy, but he loves going in the car and does not get sick and never seems nervous; he'll even doze off if he's tired.

I thought drooling equated to car sick too, but in our dog's case it does not seem to.
I have a car seat for our Lucy that not only keeps her safe and off the leather but it raises her up so she can see out the window. She rides like a champ, no barfing. She rides in the car everyday, as she goes to work with me. I had a beagle that got car sick. It's frustrating. PetSmart has a smaller seat for a smaller dog but I had to get Lucy a "couch" for the backseat since she is so long! She is 42 lbs and is a healthy weight! She has a waist and her tummy turns up. She's a big girl!


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