I never thought of this till today...but....2 of my own corgis and a few of the pups "chase their tails "(or stubs) We have always seen this and said they were chasing their tails but since their tails are stubs are they chasing the stub or do they have some weird thought that their tail is still there? Does anyone else see this? They go around and around trying to catch what's not there...

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Keke only have eyes for tennis ball. Nvr see her give chase to her stub before. The weirdest thing she did is she will sprint to n fro in the hse for no reason.
Rocky does this. Very Funny!!!! We call it chasing his tailless since he doesn't even have a stub, just some hair. They are very funny dogs. Rosie has never done it.
I'm glad that others do this too! Great pics especially the neighborhood watch and the 2 in the car!
Callie only has fur too and she does this! It's great.
Yogi doesn't do that, but Abby does. We just thought she wanted to sniff her own butt or bite her buttcheek or something. So when she goes around and around like a crazy dog, we'd scratch her buttcheek...what's funny is that she would run in a circle chasing her butt until she hit a wall or a chair or something, then she'd look straight and she'd have this face as if she's saying "what just happened??"
Jack would chase his butt in circles like that, but we noticed he looked a little frustrated when he would do it, so I figured out it means he has an itch. If I scratch his back flank really really hard he gives me a look like "Thanks soooo much for that!" and stops chasing.

There are a few spots on his body that he just can't reach to itch.
That's true...we all have those spots we can't quite reach!
My boy chases his stub and looks absolutely loony. He tries to nip at whatever he can get which is a bit of hindquarters. Sometimes I'll rub the area for him so he'll stop. He eventually calms down and forgets about the chase.
OMG, yes! Shayleigh chases her little nubbin and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen! We watch her when she does it and just laugh and laugh. If I can stop laughing long enough next time I'll have to check and see if scratching her backside will make the chasing stop.
Definition of "frustration": a corgi chasing its tail.
We try to tell Brody that he won't catch it... but then we told him that about a bird once and then next thing I knew he caught one in the back yard, so who knows, hope springs eternal!
My Cardi chases his tail and catches it. Even after he has his tail he continues to whirl maniacally around with his tail firmly between his teeth. Running in circles in general seems to be a corgi trait.


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