I planned on getting another baby when Daisy was a year old. She is 9 months now... and I found a 13 week old corgi puppy that is homeless and needs a forever home. I think Daisy would do really well with a playmate. She is a super active dog... loves to play and is very affectionate. She gets to go to doggy daycare from time to time and absolutely loves it. My husband is super attached to Daisy and seems a bit reserved about a new puppy. He was not fond of the idea of getting Daisy and now the two are best buddies. His main concern is Daisy's reaction to a new baby in the house. Any thoughts???

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I say that if you are able to handle the responsiblity of a new puppy, why not? You'll want to make sure to introduce them on neutral ground and slowly work them into your house, but if all goes well it could be good for Daisy.
That's funny, my husband felt the same way when Sparty was our only one. He was afraid it would change our relationship with Sparty. As it turned out Sparty (he was 1&a half) was great with the new puppy. You would have thought we got him a present. Having two worked out great for us and I hope it does for you too!
I think it would be great if you could help out this pup and through my experience introducing them slowely and giving them their own personal space to go to works well. A pup that age will still need lots of "rests" as I have learned...I definatly would do this if it was me! If Daisy likes daycare then she'll adjust and love a new pup ! This will also keep her busy!
Thanks for the comments. I am going to get the new little girl. She needs a home and Daisy needs a sister. I am going to carefully introduce the new addition to Daisy's world! Now.... I need to figure out what to name her. It needs to be a flower name. Suggestions?
How about Rosie or Lily?
I think I would investigate how such a young pup became "homeless" I would also be interested to know if appropriate veterinary care has been provided until this time. Sounds like your pup is very well socialized. Yes, she may initially be put off but if she is spayed and gets along with everyone she would soon adapt. My biggest concern would be the health of the new pup. You have a huge heart to open your home to a dog in need. I just would hate for you to take a pup that has problems that may be a financial burden or has an illness that may be passed on to your dog. I am sure you have also considered that you will have double the expense that you have now. Let us know how it goes.
The puppy is supposed to be in great health and has registration papers. Her shots are current and she has a health certificate. She ended up homeless because the breeder due to illness was unable to care for her and her brother which were the last two puppies in a litter of 6. Someone purchased the brother and she was left alone. A relative of the breeder agreed to care for the pup on a temp. basis until a home could be found.
I picked up the new baby today. She is a lover! We had a 2 1/2 hour car ride home and she was an awesome little passenger. Her introduction to Daisy happened at a friends house so they could be on neutral turff. Daisy was quite unhappy with the new pup's arrival. After some barking, growling, rolling around, dominance, etc... they are becoming fast friends. Once both girls were at home they started playing and have not stopped. Keeping with the flower name theme... the new little girl is named Poppy.
Poppy is a very cute name!
Poppy is a great name. My husband wasn't thrilled about the idea of a 2nd puppy, but they are the best of friends and keep each other on their toes! It is a different dynamic with two, but I think for the better. Congrats and good luck!
I think it just takes longer then new second owners expect. We get so used to our dogs playing with other dogs so easily that it's easy to forgot that they go home after playtime and are used to be the only child.

In my very short experience Roxi is still a little detached/emo about the whole thing but as the days go by its slowly feeling like Charlie has been in the house the whole time. So don't get freaked out when/if Daisy turns sad/upset/emo in the corner for a little while. Just pet her and keep reminding her that you still love her and try not to change everything too suddenly for her. Over the days we've slowly adjusted the balance of dog petting/playing so they both got used to the idea that everything is shared. At first Roxi still got a lot of attention but now she is learning to play more with Charlie and Charlie more with her since we can't spend all day petting both of them haha.

I'm sure it will be easier as well since it's a puppy and Daisy can easily claim herself as the 'older child'.

My boyfriend also went through not being too fond about having a second dog after bringing him home because he was more scared of breaking his little girl - it was more because of the way she reacted after realizing he wasn't going away like all the other playmates we brought home lol.
Now that he's realized himself that she still acts like his little girl he's doing fine and actually was upset when I mentioned how we may or may not keep charlie in the end.

Im happy for you and I hope the best for your new little family member :) I'm sure they will be great friends in the end.
Day two... the girls are getting along quite well. Daisy is going to be a good big sister. Right now they are stretched out side-by-side on the floor sound asleep.


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