I see a lot of people here with corgis that seem to eat regularly, and if allowed, would eat til overweight. Was wondering if anyone has the opposite. Loki will eat as little as 3/4 a cup one day, and up to a maximum of about 1-3/4 cup another day when he is really hungry. Usually all I will feed him is a max of 1.5 c now as he is getting older.

He is still in weight, although I do not know what he weighs, somewhere over 20 lbs. He is not too lean or fat. If given more food than he wants at the time he just leaves it. Seems to have a built in prevention to over eating (which I guess is very nice). He is a very active dog, getting about 1.50- 2 hrs outside a day plus a whole tonne of playtime.

The only thing I can think of that could have contributed to this is he was free fed, therefore would not need to wolf it down as it would not be there later. Anyone else have corgis that seem to eat 'random' amounts? I am not concerned by this, I was at first but he stayed happy healthy and in weight, just calmed down on the eating after his big growth time (he is now a little over 7 months)

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My Bella doesn't care if she eats or not and I feed her seperately so she can take her time...she is better but about the 1st 18 months I had to watch to make sure she was eating and yes she would have rather been outside running around. Now she eats what my others do and is very healthy! None of my dogs wolf down there food.
Starbuck is very much so the same way. She's only 4 months, but she'll eat what she wants when she's hungry. We tried structured eating times, but if she wasn't hungry, she didn't eat. She woke me up at 5 this morning because she was hungry, so I fed her. She's still healthy and active, so the vet said not to worry about it.
My dog Miranda does the same thing. Some days she eats a fair amount, other days she eats nothing. If I fed her cookies she would only eat a few before she would not even want those. This made it a little hard to train her, because the usual reward based training did not work. The one thing she flips for is chicken. I will boil up some and put a little in her food each time and she eats more than she would otherwise.
Try enticing him with something extra. Also a fatty suppliment in his food works well. You can get the liquid vitamin suppliment in most pet specialty stores. It is healthy and it makes them hungry. I think it is more the smell of the food than the taste. So if it smells good, they will go for it!
We used to give him fish oil on his food, and sometimes mix pumpkin in it, both will entice him to eat slightly more regularly, but do not guarantee he will finish his meal. Sometimes I pound some dried liver treat to dust and sprinkle that on. I don't think it is a food boredom issue however, just a him being weird, as we tried a different flavour and it sparked no renewed interest.
I noticed Jasper's eating habits changed about 3 weeks ago (right around when he turned 6 months old). He used to inhale his food but sometimes lately he only eats half or he'll wait a few minutes before he starts picking at it. I feed him 3/4 cup in the morning and 3/4 cup at night and sometimes he eats it all and sometimes he only eats about a cup total. I was worried about it for a little but since he doesn't act like he's sick and he's still eating (just not as much) I figured he was just slowing down in growth and didn't need to eat as much. I think he's about 23 lbs right now and doesn't look too fat or too skinny.
I have always free fed my Corgis and they are not fat or skinny. They seem to take the food for granted as it is always there. Most folks do not agree with this and say they will become fat...hope not. Meal time is not a big deal around here....treats are another story (they are earned not just given).


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