So Shiro got neutered on last Friday. He was cryptorchid, so he needed n incision on his belly to extract the undescended testicle. He came home and seemed to be OK for a couple of days, but on Sunday we noticed that he has some swelling going on around the incision site. It didn't seem o bother him and he didn't react when e touched and pressed it. We googled it and found out that some swelling is OK and is usually associated with being too active. His activity was restricted, but he did attempt to run while on a walk.
Om Sunday night he started coughing and trowing up a lot. Like every 15 minutes. Peptobismol did not help. Poor guy threw up a few more times during the night; and in the morning, when I gave him some water and he couldn't hold it, I decided to take him to emergency vet (Monday was a holiday, of course).
Long story short, it turned out to be pneumonia, hence the vomiting. Poor puppy spent 2 days and a night at the emergency vet hooked up to IV with antibiotics and getting nebulization to loosen up mucus. He was very jumpy and confused when he came back home as well as hungry. He's been getting extra amount of love and attention 24/7, he sleeps outside of his cage in our bedroom.
The emergency vet did not think much of the swelling on his belly, saying it's normal. But it's been a couple of fays and it looks like it's growing. Now it is 3 by 2 inches, shaped like a football. It doesn't bother him and is hard, no redness, not hotter than the rest of his body, no leaking. I read that somebody had a similar problem and warm compress helped. He's now wearing a body heat pad on the inside of his t-shirt.
The vet tech at our regular clinic told me to bring him in to look at it tomorrow, but I'm too anxious right now.
Has anybody had this happened to their dogs? If yes, how did it turn out? I really want to avoid any surgery at this point. Poor baby had too much happened to him in one wek.
Any comments and advice are greatly appreciated.

Here are the pictures of the incision. Does it look bad?

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Sorry we have no experience with this just wanted to let you know we hope all is better soon as I know it's just as hard on you! Good luck!
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about poor Shiro's bad experience! You must have been quite scared.

I can't say, but I would definitely get it checked. Jack's neuter surgery was fine, but both his testes were descended.

When my cat, Alice, was spayed, I was not able to keep her from running and jumping. Her incision swelled an enormous amount, badly enough that my mom took her to the vet for me (I was very young and could not get away from work). It turned out to be just fluid built up from too much jumping about. It was mostly harmless, though the swelling did put strain on the stitches. They told me to try to keep her quiet. How do you keep a 7-month-old kitten quiet, I ask you?

Anyway, the point is it looked very scary indeed, but like you said was not hot or red. And it was nothing.

I am not a medical expert, but I would hope that if it had been infected, the antibiotics for the pneumonia would have cleared it up.
Yes, I also think it's from running around. We try to keep him quiet, but you know, a puppy is a puppy. He'll find a way to get in trouble. Especially now, when he doesn't get nearly as much exercise he tries climb things and looks for stuff to destroy. Even on walks I have to keep him from sprinting towards a dog or squirrel or just when he feels like running.
Somebody said they had to sedate their dog to keep her quiet, I hope I won't have to do that!
Yeah, I asked for something for Alice but they said they really prefer not to do that, unless the animal is actually ripping its stitches from too much moving. Of course that was 15 years ago and attitudes may have changed.

If it helps, Alice came through it all none the worse for wear and is now a very sprightly and svelte 16 years old. I don't blame you for being worried; I would be too. But again, just remind yourself he already had antibiotics.

Please let us know how it goes at the vet.
how long did it take for the swelling to disappear?
Oh, goodness, I wish I could remember clearly, but it was a long time ago. I know it was awhile, though. If memory serves (and it may not very well in this case) I do believe it was a good 10 days to 2 weeks before the incision really started to look clean. It was long enough for me to think "shouldn't this be looking better by now?" and since spay is a major surgery, that must have been some time.
I have not had this happen to my dogs in particular, but I've heard of it happenig. Would it be possible to get a picture of the incision posted to refer to?
Best of luck with your baby, I'm sure it will work out fine.
Madoc sends best wishes for a quick recovery to his bro Shiro. Your experience sounds so frightening! Please keep us updated. I know you are giving him the best care and lots of love!
Finn was a chryptorchid dog as well. He had swelling like what you described then seemed to get bigger rather than smaller but didn't bother him. We took him to the vet and he said it was fluid build up which is common with abdominal surgeries. He said the fluid would go away on it's own but he put Finn on an antibiotic to prevent infection since while the fluid is sitting there the dog is at risk for infection. You may want to ask your vet about that.
He's on Clavamox for pneumonia now.
Please take a look at the picture I just uploaded to the first post. Does it look similar?
There's different antibiotics for different things so you might want to check as they may want to give a totally different one for the swelling...
If it helps any, I recently started my cat on a two week dose of Clavamox for an abscess (either from fighting with the neighbor's new cat, or someone possibly doing harm to her). It will be one week tomorrow, and the abscess is almost completely gone. I know that it might not necessarily work for surgical swelling (and also the same way for a dog as it does a cat), but it definitely keeps infection away from injuries that result in abscesses!


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