So Shiro got neutered on last Friday. He was cryptorchid, so he needed n incision on his belly to extract the undescended testicle. He came home and seemed to be OK for a couple of days, but on Sunday we noticed that he has some swelling going on around the incision site. It didn't seem o bother him and he didn't react when e touched and pressed it. We googled it and found out that some swelling is OK and is usually associated with being too active. His activity was restricted, but he did attempt to run while on a walk.
Om Sunday night he started coughing and trowing up a lot. Like every 15 minutes. Peptobismol did not help. Poor guy threw up a few more times during the night; and in the morning, when I gave him some water and he couldn't hold it, I decided to take him to emergency vet (Monday was a holiday, of course).
Long story short, it turned out to be pneumonia, hence the vomiting. Poor puppy spent 2 days and a night at the emergency vet hooked up to IV with antibiotics and getting nebulization to loosen up mucus. He was very jumpy and confused when he came back home as well as hungry. He's been getting extra amount of love and attention 24/7, he sleeps outside of his cage in our bedroom.
The emergency vet did not think much of the swelling on his belly, saying it's normal. But it's been a couple of fays and it looks like it's growing. Now it is 3 by 2 inches, shaped like a football. It doesn't bother him and is hard, no redness, not hotter than the rest of his body, no leaking. I read that somebody had a similar problem and warm compress helped. He's now wearing a body heat pad on the inside of his t-shirt.
The vet tech at our regular clinic told me to bring him in to look at it tomorrow, but I'm too anxious right now.
Has anybody had this happened to their dogs? If yes, how did it turn out? I really want to avoid any surgery at this point. Poor baby had too much happened to him in one wek.
Any comments and advice are greatly appreciated.

Here are the pictures of the incision. Does it look bad?

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I think the incision looks normal because it's dry and doesn't seem red. Good luck!
Hello Maria, we are glad Shiro is recovering from pneumonia.

My Charlie also had cryptorchidism. His incision from his surgery looked much worse than Shiro's. He not only had swelling but was also black, blue, purple, red, yellow - every color of the rainbow. He looked like Dr. Frankenstein had done his surgery. It seemed like he would never heal and I was very worried about him. (didn't take any pictures) Well, he did heal and now I can't even see his scar. I didn't want to believe my vet when he said he would be fine because he looked so bad. It took quite a while longer than a typical neuter (maybe 12 weeks?) . It's been a while. Charlie is turning 7 years old this month.

Shiro's pictures look great - I bet he will heal alot faster than Charlie did. Good luck and keep us posted.
Maria, sorry Shiro has had such a bad time of it!! the pictures you posted of his incision looked pretty good to me! The staples they use make things look worse then they are I think!! You are looking for the right things, redness, temp difference etc. When Phinny got neutered just normally, I thought his was never going to heal, he was very active like nothing happened, he had a few spots that I watched closely, but he got thru it fine. I hope Shiro is feeling better soon!!!
Thanks so much for the support, everyone!
He doesn't cough anymore except a couple times a day, the pneumonia recovery is going well.
The swelling still looks the same, I think it stopped growing.
I realy feel bad that he can't be active. He trots so happily on walks and tries to run, but I have to stop him. Lack of exercise also results in small and big mischiefs. This morning he stole a muffin of the coffe table and munched up over a half before I saw it. He looked like he swallowed a soccer ball, that's how much he ate!
I am so glad he is doing better! He will forget it long before you will. Good luck.
Yes, Finn's fluid build up looked much like that only his was mostly on one side for some reason. Besides that your boy's incisions look good. Give your vet a call and ask if the meds he's on for pneumonia will also prevent infection due to the fluid build up in his abdomin.

Here's Finn a few days after surgery. You can't really see the swelling when he's on his back though.

This looks much cleaner and better done. And Finn doesn't even have those nasty staples!. My vet sucks! She used a much bigger insicion to remove the descended testicle too.
His abscess (sp) moved to one side as well and it looks like it's going down. The size is still the same but not as swallen. Or maybe I just want to think so.
Poor Shiro! What a way to spend the holiday weekend/week. I hope he (and you) are feeling better now.

I am not by any means up to date on animal healthcare, but I do work at a human doctor's office. I do know that just like every person, every dog is different, which means we all heal in different ways. I think the incision site looks great, it's very clean and very dry. If it helps any, Shiro's swelling looks pretty normal. Some people never swell, some triple their normal size. Same thing with bruising. Because he is recovering from pneumonia, his immune system is probably on overload and it could have contributed to less healing and more swelling.

That said, this is coming from the girl who is probably a little too over-protective of her pets. So, knowing what I know (that it's probably fine), I would end up at the vet anyways. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I'd also like to thank you for this post, because my friend will be taking his dog to be neutered soon and he has both testies undescended. We will know a little better what to except. Just wish we could have read an article or something, instead of having your poor pup go through all the mess!
Thanks a bunch for your kind words.
Shiro is doing much better, he does not cough and is very active now. The staples are coming out this Friday. I can't wait cause now I have to watch him and stop from chewing or liking them.


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