OK Ein is 3 now and we have gone back and forth with the foods the past 3 years. I tried all the "natural" dog foods and healther brands that have no corn and blagh blagh blagh... which only made him constantly vomit and have the worlds worst gas. I talking make you run and vomit gas. So i finally went down to the purena one foods which was great till the price shot up so much. So when it's on sale i can afford it, otherwise he has to have beneful which he likes and has had before no problems, except now with this current bag of beneful he acts like he is always starving, which he has never done before. He has been begging constantly which is new. He gets a little more than a cup and a half per day and he is a perfect weight 30 pounds, shiny coat. Has anyone else had this problem with their dog acting hungry all the time? The bag says he should have 2-2 1/2 cups of food a day and i know that that is WAY to much.